长沙分校 >> SAT频道 >> SAT百科 >> 文章正文
2013年03月01日 12:00
供稿单位:互联网  责编:本站编辑 浏览: 0 次


  What you need to know before registering:

  Signing up for waitlist status does not guarantee you a seat on test day. You will be admitted to the test center on a first-come, first-served basis, determined by when you arrive at the center, not on when you registered.

  Waitlist applicants are seated only after all regularly registered test-takers have been admitted and only if sufficient test materials, staff and seating are available.

  The Test Center Supervisor makes all decisions regarding who is admitted to the test center on test day, and those decisions are final.

  Waitlist status is only available online; you cannot request waitlist status with the paper registration form or by calling Customer Service.

  You can request waitlist status for only one test center on any particular test administration date.

  You can request waitlist status for only one test type (SAT or SAT Subject Tests) on any particular test administration date.

  You will be charged any applicable registration fees, including waitlist fees, only if you are admitted to the test center on test day.

  All normal registration requirements apply, including the need to upload an acceptable photo.

  You must be able to print your ticket; it cannot be mailed to you.



课程名称 上课地点 上课时间 查看课程
SAT强化VIP8人班 SAT已考1200分以上或同等水平学生 / 查看
SAT基础VIP8人班 词汇量在5000左右,SAT1100分以上或同等水平学生 / 查看
SAT冲刺VIP8人班 SAT1300分以上或同等英语水平学生 / 查看

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