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长沙新航道 > 托福机经 > 2013年01月27日新托福大陆机经


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Reading (重复NA2012.09.21)

Passage 1
    【主旨】Early Eurasia Settlement
    【内容】讲的是古代某个地方的人生活很苦,需要sophisticated store strategy还有hunting的技能去抵抗寒冷之类的。整篇文章大概讲他们怎么样去应对恶劣的环境,好像有三点:除了store和hunting外还有一个是生活习性,好像是分组行动,经常迁徙之类的,应该是那些游牧民族的特点。

Passage 2

Passage 3
    【主旨】Cultures in West Coast of America
    【内容】北美大陆太平洋沿岸的土著文化的异同。他们能在那样的大陆上生存有原因:比如温度、土壤,但部落间的语言各不相同。他们联系很紧密,原因之一在于部落间的通婚(这里有考题);后两段分别说两种代表各个部落文明的东西,一种是图腾,刻有动物,不是为了worship, 而是为了guardian spirit; 还有一种是mask, 代表一个家族的历史,还有象征等。



Section 1
    【内容】女生错过了一个opera表演,去和教授说。教授问原因,女生说她走错候车点了。老师带着其他学生去看opera 了,说很精彩,细节“I’ve never thought I was a good audience until then", 意思是他不后悔曲看了精彩的opera(这里有考题)。然后女生说周末还有一次,可是自己没钱了。老师说当时你没来,就把票卖给另一个人了,这个钱退给你,你就可以去看了。

Section 2

Section 3

    【内容】Modern sculpture不像文艺复兴的时候那么realistic, 现代雕塑比较抽象,举了个bird in space的雕塑例子,虽然叫鸟可没有鸟的形象,只是一个好看的金属。然后讲微雕(要用显微镜才看得见),雕米粒沙子什么的,有一个很厉害的人,雕的时候可以降低心率,微创医生可以借鉴。

Section 4
    【内容】学生找老师说要reproduce一个书上的实验,检验moth翅膀上的eyespot是不是真的能吓走birds。然后老师说eyespot的作用其实只是assumption, 学生失望地说,不是base on research啊(这里有考题)。然后学生描述书里的实验结果,说圆的eyespot对于birds并不更有威吓力,老师问:是less effective吗?学生说:就是the same。然后老师说,有个问题是你要在哪里做实验呢?我们campus里面不好做。学生说她放假回家做,她家在郊区有moth, 可以在自家backyard里做。然后老师建议了些方法,提到了一种ant(这里有考题)。

Section 5
    【内容】通过研究撒哈拉沙漠当中部族迁徙来看climate change对他们的影响。先前的某个部落在气候变坏后就跑了,后来撒哈拉又变好了,又来了一群人,开始养牲畜,气候坏了,也没有走,通过用地下水,最后应该是水没了,城市就没了。

Section 6



Task 1(重复NA2012.09.21)
Some schools require students to read specific books during the school break and come back to discuss with each other in the new semester. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this requirement.

Task 2(重复NA2012.09.21)
Some people prefer to do outdoor activities in summer, others prefer to do outdoor activities in winter. Which do you prefer and why?

Task 3(重复NA2012.09.07)
    【原    因】(1)学生可以去拿snacks when they are studying and relaxing;(2)小冰箱不占地方
    【反对原因】(1)有公用的refrigerator, 而且学生去拿东西吃也不用走很远;(2)冰箱再小也占地方,宿舍要放家具、衣服、书本,放不下冰箱。

Task 4(重复NA2012.09.07)
    【讲座主题】responding effect
    【内容讲解】人们倾向于选择energy - efficient appliance, 可是由于选择了energy - efficient的东西,节省了钱,就有更多的钱买其他东西了,最后消耗了更多的energy。

Task 5(重复NA2012.09.21)
    【一个问题】女生的教授叫她读一本书,而且是某个特定的translation版本,但图书管里no copy available, 要wait until next month, 这样就不能read in advance了。
    【解决方案】(1)order online, 问题是也得wait;(2)向去年已经上过这课的人借这本书。但是用过的书肯定有标记,划线,女生喜欢读新书,这样可以在阅读思考的同时标注。

Task 6(重复NA2012.09.07)
    【讲座主题】two adaptations used to overcome problems in birds migration
    【2种方式】(1)special protein in the blood to absorb more oxygen in higher area;(2)extra blood in chest cell, which can support the flight with energy and strength.



Task 1    综合写作
    【主题】关于saber-toothed cat(剑齿猫)是否是群居动物

    Reading: saber-toothed cat是群居动物(1)Fossils of saber-toothed cats with broken bones indicate that they were fed by other saber-toothed cats when they were injured;(2)There are large numbers of saber-toothed cats in the trap. The saber-toothed cats hunted together. The sound of dears in the trap attracted them to fall in the trap together;(3)Saber-toothed cats lived with other predators such as lions and wolves. Saber-toothed cats have to live in group to compete with those predators.

    Listening:(1)The fossils of saber-toothed cats with broken bones indeed indicate that they could survive when they were injured. However it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to be fed by other saber-toothed cats. Many predators can find dead animals to eat. So did the saber-toothed cats;(2)The large numbers of saber-toothed cats in the trap doesn’t mean that they hunt together. The saber-toothed cats hunted separately. One of the saber-toothed cats heard the sound of the trapped dear, went to the trap and fell. Then another saber-toothed cat also heard the sound of the trapped dear, came to the trap and fell again;(3)Saber-toothed cats were large predators. Take tigers for example, one tiger is strong enough to fight against the social predators such as lions and wolves. So the saber-toothed cats don’t have to live together to compete with lions and wolves.

Task 2 社会类

    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The place you choose to live has a greater effect on your overall happiness than your job does.

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