2014年12月16日 06:24
供稿单位:互联网  责编:新航道 浏览: 0 次

  看到我们今天的题目【Describe a person who is good-looking】,童鞋们,你们眼前都飘过了哪些男神女神呢?不知道好莱坞众多金发碧眼的帅哥靓女是不是合你的口味?接下来,我们就一起去围观一位好莱坞的性感辣妹~




  这位美女本人可是堪称是沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花,身材也是前凸后翘,要啥有啥~这位beautiful lady就是电影《饥饿游戏》当中的女主角——Jennifer Lawrence!

  Jennifer Lawrence is a beauty and a top-ranked actress in Hollywood.


  She is known for playing Katniss in The Hunger Games.


  This gorgeous woman has such a pair of pretty eyes and full lips.


  She also has a good figure like an hourglass.




  Additionally, she is down-to-earth, sincere and friendly as she always has been.


  These make her an object of desire for many people around the globe.




  Sample Answer

  Jennifer Lawrence is a beauty and a top-ranked actress in Hollywood. She is known for playing Katniss in The Hunger Games. This gorgeous woman has such a pair of pretty eyes and full lips. She also has a good figure like an hourglass. Additionally, she is down-to-earth, sincere and friendly as she always has been. These make her an object of desire for many people around the globe.


  Key Words & Expressions

  1.top-ranked adj.名列前茅的

  2.be known for... 因...而被大众所熟知

  3.gorgeous woman 美女

  4.full lips 饱满的嘴唇

  5.figure n.身材

  6.hourglass n.沙漏

  7.down-to-earth adj.谦虚的

  8.sincere adj.真诚的

  9.an object of desire 梦中情人






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