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2014年03月12日 12:00
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  上财RM411,p2describe a photo of u 这里还正常P3问我photoshop之类的东西如何affect people's attitude to photograph当时我就只有这个表情了…还有写news的和photographer的区别…part3跪得残残的
  武汉ielts考试中心 rm1 白人考官 part1study还是work、your subjest、enjot sunshine一系列问题 part2 sports event 是什么谁比赛哪里举行的 part3各种sports问题,sports好不好有什么作用等。考官语速较快考中没什么表情考完笑了笑。。。求攒人品阿,笔试已跪。
  温州rm302.p1 家乡,家里不满意的地方,以后会住哪里,喜欢用电子辞典还是纸质的 p2忙碌的时间 p3有人生活一直一个样你觉得这好吗,为什么。有人喜欢多样的生活,你觉得呢?为什么生活一个样。你的常规生活是什么样的。感觉是去年在福州碰到的那个考官老头,英音语速快听不懂虐飞攒人品。
  海南大学rm406,爬1 subject ,学啥,喜欢么,dictionary ,多久用一次,如果有人给你字典做礼物你觉得怎么样?电子字典/纸质字典。school,高中喜欢么?最喜欢的学科,最不喜欢的?爬2,家里留传的老物件 爬3,你觉得什么东西缅怀去世的人,旧东西好处,博物馆类型…
  成都,电子科大,RM3,中年人,比较严肃,语速较快。p1学生工作。你的专业有趣吗?你会和你班上的做朋友吗?谁教你礼貌?中国人重视礼貌吗?什么情况下需要礼貌?会帮助其他人吗?p2 帮你学英语的。p3 老年人和小孩谁学的快?学外语有什么用?你看电影用不用字幕?学外语遇到的困难?
  内蒙师大RM11。趴一考了walk,趴二语言学习,趴三关于语言学习看法 意义。考官姜黄头发,眼睛很好看(由于没有准备到此话题光靠眼神和演技交流了),人超级nice,还一直安慰我紧张的情绪。赶快上来赞个人品~求分数不要太差。。。
  首师 Rm05 part1 很多问题 其中一个do u enjoy shopping? The city ur living now Part2 a positive experience in your teenager age Part3 老人和年轻人的误解,能从彼此身上学到什么 考官叫亚历山大……高个子 蓝眼睛 人很好 爱微笑 话题中途还给我竖大拇指 但我觉得我要挂的节奏

  西交 R4 白人老爷爷。P1.hometown, sth u don't like, computer P2.a historical building in ur city P3.house apartment 之类的 善始善终。
  212东南324考场,old buliding in your city...
  山东大学,rm10,英国男人不是很年轻,蓝眼睛很漂亮,语速快,英音,比较严肃。p1上学还是工作,对雨天的看法,喜欢什么样的衣服。p2描述喜欢的书。p3中国人的阅读习惯,人们爱读什么样的书为什么,未来的阅读模式是怎样的等。他只有在say hello和say bye的时候笑了一下……求攒人品
  西交rm8 白人老爷爷,人很nice.p1place you live,sunshine.会不会去一个没有阳光的城市为什么。p2帮助你的陌生人 p3neighbor. Help old people.howto change our community. 几个不擅长的话题之一呃。。趴三各种乱七八糟呃。只求分数还能见人
  黑大R5 红发年轻男人萌萌的炒鸡爱笑很耐心=w=不过很能反侦察 p1 work or study, subject, children's activities , outdoor or indoor p2 artwork- painting p3 What kind of art do Chinese people like; Why did some painting have high value than others; Is it right to copyit..
  杭州201,绑着好多辫子的年轻黑人,P1study,walk,plant P2 a place near the water P3人们喜欢哪些海边运动,湖和海有什么区别,如何节约用水,水的用途,好多问题,彻底晕掉了,不过考官人很nice,希望他喜欢我的内容,只求6分!
  东大RM326-1 中年白人女考官 和蔼爱笑 有点爱打断 P1study or work, history, walk. P2a piece of artwork居然和我上次一样… P3艺术品有没有得到足够收入?政府应该投资艺术吗?什么样的艺术品最有价值?
  太原理工大学RM5,白人帅哥,人很好,感觉他比我还紧张。趴1问了名字,城市,散步等,趴2是 A Sport event! 趴3问了关于运动的一系列问题,都不是很难。感觉趴2没答完就被打断了,攒人品求6
  room11辽师。p1 name major wild animals pet children learn sth about animal p2 a place far away p3 why go to far away place why people like to stay in one place白人五十岁左右女考官 澳洲口音 全程微笑 听不懂给重复 赞人品,求6.5。
  沈师room4,中年男子,特别和蔼,人特别好,p1,major,party.p2,a apartment p3 中国人现在的居住条件,有什么办法增进邻居间的交流,城市规划重要吗,不同气候对房子建筑有什么影响。
  222沈師口語room7,白人中年女子,中獎了這次。和十二月那場是同一個考官,眼睛眨的特別快的一直看你微笑,part1 住在一個怎樣的城市,是否喜歡攝影,小時候怎樣過生日,現在你認爲過生日最重要的是什麽。part2 在學校你不喜歡的科目。part3延伸問了四五道題。攢人品,5.5就滿足!
  拖拖拉拉差点来不及进场,杭州,rm205,亚裔脸,一直在擦鼻涕。p1 major tv programme clothing p2 a popular product made in ur country p3 关于product一堆
  深圳赛格考场 vip8 哈哈 考完啦!! 白人老头 英式口音~po主发福利: part 1study part 2travelling 去的远的地方 part3 为什么有些人宁愿呆在hometown?年轻人和老年人的旅游的不同?在电视伤看旅游和 去实地有什么不同?
  天津外院 room4 超级超级帅的英国帅哥,语速正常发音清晰!part1:name work&study animal zoo part2:describe a garden or a park part3:各种green plants相关。我的口语有没有一种很非主流的感觉?喜剧演员呢?不喜欢的课呢?喜欢的书呢?陌生人交谈呢?我准备的倍儿熟的都没考。
  云财 R2 光头考官,果然爱握手,语速略快有时不懂…P1:工作学习,是否喜欢专业,对摄影师什么看法,有什么型号的相机,如何调试…出国旅游;P2:讲述一个你一直想去的国外的地点;P3:你想到国外生活么,你觉得能够让城市经济发展的因素,出国困难。
  辽师 room2 P1 name news hometown P2a new place(home or school)you moved P3 人们为什么搬家,经常搬家的好坏处,什么原因会搬家 这次是个女老师,说话很温柔,但是我答的特别碎,希望可以保持6。
  p1我的专业 流行吗 为什么 自行车 我有没有自行车 自行车会变得流行还是不流行 party 喜欢不喜欢去 和朋友还是家人 老年人和年轻人谁更喜欢party p2和陌生人有趣的对话 p3这都什么屎问题啊大群体为什么喜欢跟陌生人交流心事而不是家人朋友 为啥跟别人交流会有利 面对面还是通过电脑网络
  首战撸过 沈师 RM3 看起来像阿拉伯或印度裔奶奶 头发有些花白 人很Nice p1 工作学习 生日 出行方式 p2 名人 p3 人们是否佩服p2的名人 出名哪里好 是不是会一直出名 对家庭有毛影响 你喜欢出名咩 努力是不是就会出名 差不多记得这么多吧。
  长沙大众传媒RM03。趴1:name,study or work ,来自哪里,都没展开问,专业,cooking,train的众多问题趴2:book趴3:你们国家的人喜欢看书吗,why,电子书和纸质书,newspaper和magazine,novel和历史书都问哪个更受欢迎,区别和why。考官全程高冷。
  西安交大rm07 两次居然问的都是同样问题我是罪人趴1 name hometown major party photography 趴2 旅游景点 趴3 各种围绕景点的 老人年轻人喜好的不同、景点类型、景点收费问题 白高男 全程面无表情 有点亲切 几乎不打断 全看我各种发挥胡诹瞎扯淡 求人品求爆发求6++。
  云财,rm02 白人秃头中年笑眯眯大叔! p1:名字、住哪、会长时间住么、不喜欢什么、认为这个地方的问题是什么 p2:busy time p3:怎么安排、认为人们的日常事例重要吗?优缺点、认为休息重要么、 求明天笔试顺利过!求人品!保佑大家么么哒。
  刚刚结束口语在天外rm007是一个白人大叔整个过程面无表情任凭我手舞足蹈 p1 course schoo computer 什么时候开始用 shopping P2 a place you learn a different culture P3 culture website globalization
  辽师ROOM6 戴眼镜的白的胖胖的考官 基本上都不笑 part1你是学生还是工作了 你的家乡 part2 旅游 part3 旅游对老年人和年轻人有什么不同。 对当地居民有什么影响。 怎么保护环境。 旅游的好处。 PART2的时候我尝试跟考官笑 竟然不鸟我。
  白人中年叔叔,很礼貌的叔叔 P1学生,专业,衣服,手表,准时 P2一个你经历异地文化的地方 P3各种关于文化的问题 杭州r209,求人品。
  东南328,光头男,凶,part1 Play&party part2 website P3 网购的利弊,为什么中国青年喜欢类似人人 微信等东西。
  沈阳师范大学 RM5 白人男考官,个子很高,人很好,一直笑,你说的时候还会点头。part1专业,礼貌,阳光,运动对于个人的意义,小孩参加运动怎么样;part2描述一场体育比赛;part3关于合作和竞争,什么工作竞争性强、什么需要合作,人与人之间的合作、国家与国家之间的合作的好处等。



   Part 1

  Personal information:
  What’s your full name?
  Where are you from?
  Which part of the country are you from?
  When do you usually get up?
  What’s your favorite time of day?
  Do you prefer to stay alone or stay with your friends?

  Hometown & Accommodation:
  Do you live in a house or a flat?
  Why do you want to live here?
  How long have you been living here?
  Where’s your hometown?
  Describe the place you live in.
  What do you feel about the place you live in?
  What’s your hometown like?

  Are you working or studying?
  What major are you going to choose?
  What’s your major?
  What are you studying?
  What do you learn in school?
  Do you like your major?
  Do you think your major course is easy to learn?
  What subject do you learn?
  Why do you want to learn this subject?
  How does the education system change in China?
  What do you want to be in the future?
  Why do you study English?
  How does your teacher teach English?
  What teaching style do you like?
  Do you prefer group learning or individual learning?
  How do you study English?
  Where do you usually study English? With whom?
  Do the young and the elderly learn English in different ways? What are the differences?

  Do you think your job is easy to do? Why?
  What’s your job responsibility?

  Do you have sports?
  Does you community have any sports equipment?
  What sport do you do?
  What sport are you going to learn in the future?
  Are there any good sports facilities in your community?
  What sport do you want to do in the future?

  Society & Culture:
  Have you received any gift?
  When do people give gifts in your country?
  When will you give gifts?
  Do you think it's difficult to choose a gift?
  Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody?
  Do most people ride bicycles?
  Did you learn to ride a bike when you were young?
  Are there any benefits of bicycle riding?
  Why so many people ride bicycles in your country?
  Do you think bike riding is safe?
  What are the differences between being a child and being an adult?

  Leisure activities:
  When did you go shopping last time?
  Do you like going to a party?
  What do you dislike most about a party?
  Do you like shopping?
  What do you dislike most about shopping?
  When do you usually go shopping?
  Do you prefer small shops or shopping malls? Why?

  Food & Cooking:
  What’s your favorite dish?
  Who is the best cook among the people around you?
  Who cooks in your family?
  Do you cook?
  Is it necessary for everyone to learn to cook? Why?


  Part 2


  1 .A well known person
  2. A visitor to your home/
  3. An old person you admire/a famous person/celebrity
  5. A school friend / teenager/
  6. Someone who is good at cooking
  7. A comic actor (NEW)
  8. A smart person (NEW)

  1. A gift/ an electronic device
  2. A Book
  3. A Work of Art
  4. A Childhood Toy
  5. A Childhood Song
  6. Clothing for Special Occasions
  7. An Interesting Lecture or Speech
  8. An important letter you wrote/received
  9. An old product (NEW)


  1. Library
  2. Tourist attraction
  3. An ideal home or apartment/a house you like
  4.A place with a lot of water
  5. A place you visited in order to know its culture (NEW)


  1. Something you succeeded in doing/an important stage in your life
  2. An Organization/ A Time When You Helped Someone
  3. Something You Would Like to Learn/a course you would like to learn/ science lesson in school
  4. An educational trip / A Long Journey/a outdoor meal
  5. Your Favorite Season
  6. A Childhood Game
  7. A Traffic Jam
  8. An outdoor meal
  9. A trip you spent far away from home (NEW)
  10. A life-changing experience (NEW)


  1. A film
  2. A News
  3. A Performance
  4. A TV program
  5. A Healthy Habit
  6. An advertisement


1. Person
  Describe a friend you’d like to spend your time with
  In what way did he/she help you with your academic study or work?
  What are the pressures you have to face in your life?
  How do you deal with them?
  Do you prefer to study alone or together with others?
  What would happen if one always works independently?
  What are the disadvantages of working in a group?
  What do you think are the effects of computer and mobile phone on families?
  Which one is more important, family or friends?
  Who should assume more responsibilities in the family?
  Describe an elderly person you admire
  What’s the living situation of the elderly people in China?
  What sorts of jobs are available for the elderly people?
  Describe a person who is good at cooking
  Describe a famous person you would like to meet
  Do you want to become famous? Why?
  Will people change their personality after they become famous?
  What sort of people do young people admire?
  Describe a person you have helped
  Comment on relationship between neighbors in China
  Do you think richer people are more selfish?

2. Event
  Describe a long journey
  What should be prepared before the journey?
  What can people learn through travel?
  Do you prefer to travel alone or in group?
  Describe a sport event
  Do Chinese schools place strong emphasis on physical education?
  What are the differences between competition within the classroom and athletic competition?
  What are the advantages and disadvantages of holding sporting events in school?
  Which one is better, team sport or individual sport?
  Do you think it’s a good idea for schools to offer scholarship to students in order to encourage sports among students?
  Describe the stage of your life that you enjoyed most
  How do people give helps to students who will graduate from university soon?
  In China, when do people hold celebrations?
  Describe a change in your life
  What are the changes in your education?
  Describe an educational trip
  What’s the importance of study trip?
  Is it a good way?
  Should parents help children with their study?
  What’s the trend of studying at home?
  Describe a traffic jam
  How do you feel in times of traffic jam?
  What are the traffic problems in your city?
  Should different amount of taxes be levied on cars with different engine capacity?
  How has traffic affected our environment?
  What other choices do you have if you are stuck in a traffic jam?
  Can public transport alleviate traffic congestions?
  Do you think the government should take sole responsibility for solving traffic problems?
  Can motorways and highways help to solve traffic problems?
  When is traffic jam most serious?
  What did the government do to solve the problem?
  Should the government impose a heavier tax in an effort to solve traffic jam?
  Describe a successful experience
  Describe a performance
  What are the influences of music on culture?
  What are the influences of wide use of TV on traditional artistic performance?
  Describe the most important stage in your life
  At what age is marriage legal in China?
  At what age should children start to take family responsibility?
  Talk about the generation gap between elderly people and young adults
  What job is deemed suitable for the elderly people?
  What’s the general attitude towards the elderly people?

3. Object
  Describe a song you knew when you were a child
  Have you ever been to a music concert before?
  What kind of music suits people of different age groups?
  Describe a book you have read
  What are the differences of reading habits between teenagers and the elderly people?
  How has technology changed the way people read?
  Describe a piece of advertisement that makes you want to buy something
  What are some possible mass media that feature advertisement?
  Should we impose restrictions on advertisements?
  Will advertisements be more popular?
  Describe a piece of art
  What are the differences in the arts liked by elderly people and young adults?
  Should the government support arts?
  What sorts of arts are valuable?
  Describe an advice
  What sorts of advices are useful to young people?
  Do young people prefer to listen to parents or their friends?
  Are the advices given by the elderly people useful?
  Describe an advertisement
  Do you think we should restrict advertisements?
  Some of the adverts are not appropriate for children. How to solve this problem?
  What’s the relationship between mass media and advertisements?
  Describe a piece of radio program
  Which one do you prefer, radio programs or TV programs?
  Describe a text message you received on your mobile phone
  Describe a TV program
  What are the pros and cons of TV and radio respectively?
  Why do young people prefer TV?
  Describe a piece of music
  How has western music influenced eastern one?
  Do you buy advertised products?
  Is the government responsible to build libraries?
  How has means of communication changed over the past decade?

    Part 3 题库

  Describe a special gift
  How do young people help the elderly people?
  Are people now more kindhearted than before?
  Describe a piece of music you liked when you were a child
  How can teaching children music help them in their early childhood?
  What type of music should people listen to at different ages?
  When is the first time you heard the song that impressed you the most?
  What type of music should people listen to?
  Will music be played in public?
  Describe a toy when you were a child
  Talk about a childhood game
  Describe an interesting speech or lecture
  Who was the speaker?
  Should children take part in the talks?
  Why are Chinese people afraid to give public speeches?
  Describe your favorite law
  Why do people want to become a lawyer instead of a policeman?
  Are policemen considered a good job in China?
  What makes a good policeman?
  What kind of people tends to commit crimes in China?
  Talk about the occupation of lawyer
  What kind of crimes could be forgiven?
  Describe a speech
  What makes a good speaker?
  What sort of speeches should be made available in university?
  What kind of people should be invited give speeches to kids?
  Describe one clothes you always wear in special occasions
  Have people changed the way they dress?
  Why is uniform compulsory in companies?
  Describe a course you want to learn when you were a child
  Do you think children can learn more at school or at home?
  Do you think adults should be responsible for teaching children academic skills?
  How is learning for children and adults different on computers?
  Describe a childhood activity/game
  What can kids learn from the activity?
  How has athletic competition shaped children’s character?
  Is competition required in all jobs?
  How should countries cooperate with each other?
  Is it important for kids to play games?
  What sort of games do adults play?
  Describe a foreign language you want to learn
  Describe a toy
  Do you think many kids have too many toys now?
  Should girls play with dolls and boy play with soccer games?
  What are the advantages of kids exchanging toys?
  Describe a gift you gave to your friends
  Do Chinese people prefer to buy gifts or make them?
  Which do you prefer?
  When do Chinese people usually send presents?
  Why do you think homemade presents are better than ones that are bought from shops?
  Do you think it’s a good idea to reward children with their gifts?
  Please list the advantages and disadvantages of rewarding people in a company?
  What are the ways to reward employees?
  Describe something you’d like to learn in the future
  Do kids learn more from home or school?
  Should adults take major responsibilities in kids learning academic skills?
  Describe a piece of interesting news
  Do a lot of Chinese people read newspaper regularly?
  Are people more concerned of international news or domestic news?
  Should TV commercials be more interesting?
  What makes a good journalist?
  Is online news playing an ever increasingly important role in people’s daily life?
  How to make news more appealing?
  Describe something that is good for health
  How to define a healthy lifestyle?
  Do you think Chinese people’s lifestyle is healthy?
  How have media advertisements influenced people’s health?
  Describe something that is good for people’s health.
  Is there any other way for people to stay healthy besides workout on a regular basis?
  Where can people go to work out?
  Are sports facilities available in public space?
  Will people go to these places?
  Describe an exciting experience
  What’s the meaning of university library to you?
  Describe a course you want to learn
  Which major proves most popular in China?
  Do you think it’s difficult?
  Do you like to learn?
  Why do girls not like to choose engineering as their major?
  Should university do away with arts classes?
  Describe a traditional art
  Name a number of traditional cultural performances
  What are the differences in dancing between boys and girls?
  What’s your favorite music?
  Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future
  Will the special thing help you in your study?
  Do you like to go shopping?
  What are the effective ways of advertising?
  Describe a season
  Talk about the negative influences of global warming
  Describe something that will help you to learn foreign languages
  Talk about the advantages of learning a foreign language
  Describe a large organization
  What are the advantages of large and small organizations
  What’s your view towards the fact that most factories are far away from downtown area?
  What are the advantages of large multi-national companies?
  Why do many people like to work in small companies?
  Describe a book you have read recently
  What books do Chinese kids read?
  What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading?
  What are the differences between traditional reading and online reading?
  What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading and watching TV?
  Describe a phone call
  Talk about advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone
  Do people like to hear people talking loud in public?
  Describe something you would like to learn
  What should kids learn before they go to school?
  Which one is better, school education or parental education?
  Describe a photo
  Do Chinese people like taking photos?
  When do people take photos usually?
  Why do people tear apart the photos they have taken?
  Describe a piece of law
  Why are there fewer policemen than lawyers?
  What are the differences between policemen and lawyers?
  Describe a house/apartment that you have seen or you like
  Describe a workplace
  What are the advantages of working at night?
  Describe a library
  Is it a campus or public one?
  Which parts of the library do you like and dislike?
  Describe a tourist attraction
  What are the types of tourist attractions in China?
  Is the travel with tour guide good?
  Will people change their attitude towards tour guide?
  What measures did the government take to protect tourist attraction?
  Would you recommend this tourist attraction?
  How do people visit historical places nowadays?
  Do you think we should visit historical places for free?
  Do you think people can learn anything from visiting historical places?
  Describe the favorite part in your hometown
  How often do you go there?
  Are there more Chinese people living in the city or in the countryside?
  What are the benefits of studying in the city?
  What kind of people likes to live in the city?
  What are the major differences between living in the city and countryside?
  Should more entertainment parlors be built in the city?
  Describe a historical site
  What are the types of historical sites?
  Why do people nowadays dislike visiting a historical site?
  In what ways can people get to know history?
  Do you think TV programs that focus on history can make people interested in history more?



    本次小作文为表格题,数据较多,有一定难度。本次大作文题目为政府、教育类题目,与2013年8月17日写作题目有一定的相似度,但去年题目注重在大学教育费用,本次是children’s education。大家要注意的不要写跑题。



作文题目:Changes of population in Australia and Malaysia from 1980 to 2002马来西亚和澳大利亚1980-2002的人口数据比较


作文题目:Children’s education is expensive and the government of some countries pays some of or all of the costs. Do the advantages of the government pays for the cost outweigh the disadvantages?



类似旧题:相似度 80%
In some countries, students pay their college or university fees,while in some others, government pays for them. Do you think the advantages that government pays the money outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons and examples.
2007.09.22 Higher education can be funded in several ways including the following three: 1. All costs are paid by the government. 2. All costs are paid by the student. 3. All costs are paid by the student using loans from the government that must be repaid after graduation. Discuss the benefits of each option. Which is the best one?
相似度 30%
2005.07.09 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people think it is not the government's responsibility. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
相似度 10% 2012.09.06
Some people believe everyone has the right to get university education, so government should make it free to all people no matter of their financial background.
环球雅思教研中心 微博地址:www. http://e.weibo.com/u/2480824417
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
背景关键词:children’s education
论点关键词:Government pays some of or all
段: 社会背景+正向/反向观点+自己观点 (1 客观因素/外因 2 主观因素/内因)
自己观点: 我认为 政府这种做法1基于 政府的责任 2提供更优质的教育
论点: 政府投资——是——其应尽的义务。
论据: 享受减费的教育——是——公民享受社会福利的一部分。
例证: 作为纳税人钱财的持有者保护者,投资关系国计民生的教育是政府义不容辞的责任,通过半免或全面的方式让更多的孩子接,是公民享受其基本权利一种体现。
第三段: 论点+论据+例证
论据: 孩子—— 有更多机会——个性化的学习以及培养相应的能力。
结论: 政府投资学生教育——学生获得全面发展的有总要因素。
政府投资教育——是—一种必然, 1)鉴于社会的进步与稳定2)孩子自身发展的实际需求
第五段: 总结观点
政府的保障公民的基本权益 +孩子的综合素质的提升—使得政府投资是应尽的职责





Passage One
题材 人物传记类
题目 Brunel造船工程师
题型 Matching细节类匹配题(4道);选择题(6道);Summary 填词型填空题(3道)
文章大意 伊桑巴德·金德姆·布鲁内尔(Isambard Kingdom Brunel)(1806年4月9日朴次茅斯-1859年9月15日伦敦)是一名英国工程师,讨论他的贡献在于主持修建了Great Western Railway、系列蒸汽轮船和众多的重要桥梁。 段写的他在哪学习的,14岁时候去了哪里,后来去给他爹负责的一个工程帮忙,在cave in阶段就受伤了。 第二段,说他在养伤期间准备开发一个新桥。
然后后面2-3段说的Bristol-London railway,其中一段说当时地主不希望铁路通过自己的地盘,不想要一个混乱的交通系统,这时IKB就去跟他们谈判并且成功说服。
1. 有finance problem的选G great eastern
2. 问这个人不负责的项目是-A选他爹哪个项目
3. 不是他亲自完成的项目选B是另一个英国公司建的
4. 建好没多久就不用了,选C是个大桥说是工程材料不合格然后维修费用太高所以不用了
5. 另一问的delay repeatedly项目选G
6. 一道问他没想到有其用途选最后一段
unprofitable reason是由于large size,首航要去Australia,后来用来
lay telegraphic cable.

Passage Two
题材 环境类
题目 海湾污染
题型 Matching 段落配对(4道);Matching 跟人名配对(4道);T/F/NG判断题(5道);
本篇文章讲述佛罗里达海湾的污染。大致内容讲美国FLORIDA海岸的环境问题,有增加 FRESH WATER 和什么 NITROGEN释放对环境的影响。
有一个expensive proposal of protection of bays(大致是这个意思),好像是B段;还有是finance proposal of Ni ...记不大清了


Passage Three

题材 文学类
题目 新西兰少年文学家
题型 Yes/No/Not Given判断题(4道);选择题(6道);Summary带题库类填空题(4道)
Yes/No/Not Given
针对第三段出现的书,提出问题。此题目是给出一段话,挖空填词,但是词语在下方已经给出。有一个是关于书的结尾是predicted and satisfied




























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