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2012年11月17日 09:54
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    本文从考试题源、题型特点、话题规律三个方面对2011年真题进行了统计总结,并建立在科学统计的基础上结合历年考试规律为同学们指出了今年的备考方法,提供了重点预测题供同学们练习。此外,文章最后一部分(PART Ⅲ)谈及了task 1的备考思路。

PART 2011年Task 2考试总结

本文将从题源、题型以及话题分类的三大角度对task 2考题进行分析。



    2011年中有9道题目较为新颖──当然也跟以前的题目有千丝万缕的联系──约占1/5的比例。但这些所谓的新题,话题跟以前相比并没有太大变化,只是角度上有所改变、翻新而已。对于2011出现这些新题, 2012年考试的同学必须认真思考,有可能重考。 具体题目请参考本文附录部分──“2011年写作新题”。



    从题型的角度上来看(如下图所示),35道题目为Argumentation类题型,其中讨论一个观点型题目(A-3)为17道,讨论两个观点型题目(A-2)11道,讨论利弊型题目(A-1)为7道,总体上占了85%的比例。3道为RP类题型,7道为argumentation和RP类题目的综合考察。我们给同学们精心挑选了不同题型的训练题,具体请参考本文Part II 部分。


Argumentation类题型指讨论一个话题或者针对某一观点发表看法,包括discuss, agree or disagree, what do you think等提问方式;
RP类题型指讨论一个问题的原因结果,并提出一定的解决方案,包括why is this the case, what are the reasons/causes, what measures should be taken等提问方式。


•    以往题库中,教育和科技类话题较其他话题处于“压倒性”优势,属于“两家独大”。但是今年情况似有改变, 其他话题(如艺术、体育、传统文化)频繁上位,造成了“百花齐放”的局面。所以,对于今年考试的同学,要想做到“旱涝保收”,不能永远只准备“科技、教育、环境”。
•    文艺体育和媒体广告类话题的考察明显高于往年,其中文艺类话题是同学们普遍觉得难以把握的题目,比如2011.7.16真题:what can artists tell us of the life that scientists can not?造就了无数“悲剧人生” 。
•    以往题库的超级重点话题---科技类话题的直接考察只出现了4次,更多的是以“隐性”的形式出现,比如跟媒体、艺术等话题结合起来考察,2012年考试的同学应该注意这种综合类话题的考察,关于这个问题,本文专门做了总结,请参考备考策略部分“综合类话题的准备”。



PARTⅡ 2012年雅思写作Task 2备考策略

2012年的Task 2备考要把握“四项基本原则”:

1.    全面准备三大题型

    2011年的考试题型延续了往年的既有模式,没有任何创新,所以我们只要按部就班,全面准备,即可确保万无一失。为此, 我们提醒即将参加考试的同学们一定要针对每类题目的特点准备相应的解题方法、思路结构,并且对这些内容要“烂于胸,熟于笔”,不仅要在思想上能认清对方,一定要限时训练,培养出写作的“手感”。

1)    It has been suggested that everyone in the world wants to own a car, a TV and a fridge. Do you think disadvantages of such a development outweigh advantages?
2)    In many countries traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3)    The government should control the levels of violence in films or on television in order to decrease the levels of violent crime in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
4)    Some people say politicians promote the development of society. However others believe that it is scientists who have more influence on the world. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
5)    International travel seems to make people more prejudiced rather than broad-minded. What do you think are the reasons for people to fail to benefit from the international travel and how to improve the understanding between different countries?
6)    The movement of people from agricultural areas to cities to work can cause serious problems in both places. What are the serious problems and what measures can be taken to solve the problems?

2.    直击题库,把握“母题”




    Some people think the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentence. Others, however, think there are better alternative ways to reduce crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

    Research suggests that the majority of criminals who were sent to prison would continue to commit crimes when set free. Why do you think this is the case? What can be done to solve this problem?2009.6.13
    Some people think lawbreakers should be sent to prisons while others claim they should be made to work in communities. Discuss both and give your own opinion. 2009.9.17


    我们在深入研究历年题考题的基础上总结了雅思写作题库的核心母题,并配以高分范文,以为各位同学的备考提供些方便。 同学们可搜索关键词“雅思写作题库核心母题”,或加入我的微博了解更多内容:www.weibo.com/zhengqingli。

3.    Practice! Practice! Practice!


4.    强化审题,应对综合类话题
    我们2011年11月份参加了British Council组织的雅思研讨会,会上雅思考官提出了对中国同学的“忠告”:address the task directly(直接处理题目). 他们提醒说,很多题目都有两个方面或者更多的内容需要回答和处理,不能“简单化”为某一个话题,抓住一点不及其余。这个问题成为困扰很多同学取得6分或6.5分的直接瓶颈,这尤其体现在综合类话题的处理上。下面是我从2011年考题中精选的题目,供大家思考练习。

1)    Some people believe governments should spend money saving languages of few speakers from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your position.
2)    Some people think the government should spend more money on public services other than waste money on arts. To what extent do you agree or disagree
3)    More government money should be invested in teaching science rather than other subjects for a country to develop and progress. Do you agree or disagree?
4)    All over the world, people watch foreign films much more than locally produced films. Why? Should the government provide financial support to the local film industries?


PART Ⅲ 2012年Task 1备考策略

    2011年的task 1考试中,跟往年相比没有太大的变化。 各题型考试次数和比例如下:

    我们建议考生从以下几个方面复习task 1:
1.    重视地图题和流程图:从剑桥真题或者新航道写作教材中选择典型题目研究其范文,总结写作思路和表达,并进行写作练习。
2.    分题型准备四类数据类图表作文: 每一种题目需要准备思路及相关词汇,要重点训练bar/table/pie三种复杂图形的数据分析以及有效的比较对比。
3.    重视限时模考训练:完全按照考试状态在规定时间(20min)内写作task 1题目,每种题型练习2篇,熟方能生巧。


2011年Task 2写作新题

Some workplaces tend to employ an equal number of women and men. Do you think it is positive or negative for the social development?
Competitiveness is very important for people in modern society. What are the positive and negative effects on individuals?
Foreign tourists should be charged more than local people when visiting cultural and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree
In schools and universities, some girls tend to study liberal arts, but boys choose to study science. Why is this case happening? Should this tendency be changed?
Some people think government should ban all forms of dangerous sports. Others believe that people should be free to make decisions for their own. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
All over the world people watch foreign film much more than local produced films. Why? Should the government provide financial support to the local film industries?
The best way for a country to prepare for the future is investing more resources in its young people. How true do you think it is?  What is the best way to invest the resources?  
The human activities have negative effects on the plant and animal species. Someone think it is too late to do anything about it while others suggest taking effective actions to solve it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
In some parts of the world, it is becoming increasingly popular to find out the history of your family. Why do you think people choose to do so? Is it a positive or negative development?


作者简介:郑庆利北京新航道学校雅思写作主讲、大学英语四级主讲。四川大学英语语言文学学士。胡敏雅思教材第六代之《雅思写作教程5分-6.5分》主要编纂者之一,代表作《就是要你过雅思写作6.5分》。因其在雅思写作研究与教学方面的突出成 绩,被北京市海淀区政府教委授予“2009北京市海淀区教师”称号。其授课风格幽默风趣、激情飞扬,以实用有效的写作技能教授出无数雅思写作高分学 生,被学员亲切称为“小强老师”。


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雅思预备VIP8人班 词汇量在3500左右英语基础较好,或雅思已考4分的学生 / 查看
雅思强化VIP8人班 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平的学生 / 查看
雅思冲刺VIP8人班 英语四级550以上,或雅思已考6分同等英语水平的学生 / 查看
雅思基础VIP8人班 英语四级左右水平,雅思已考4.5或同等英语水平的学生 / 查看
雅思突破VIP8人班 英语四级以上,或雅思已考5分同等水平学生 / 查看
雅思6分精品班 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平的学生 / 查看
雅思6分基础班 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平的学生 / 查看
雅思6分突破班 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等英语水平学生 / 查看
雅思6.5分铂金班 大学英语六级480分以上,雅思已考6分同等水平的学生 / 查看
雅思6.5分精品班 大学英语六级480分以上,雅思已考6分同等水平学生 / 查看
雅思强化住宿VIP8人班 大学英语四级450分以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平学生 / 查看
雅思精讲住宿VIP8人班 基础一般词汇量在3500左右,或雅思4.5分同等水平学生 / 查看
雅思基础住宿VIP8人班 基础一般词汇量在3500左右,或雅思4.5分同等水平学生 / 查看

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