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文/长沙新航道雅思培训助教 赵瑾璟
- 描述一个游泳的地方
When I think of a famous place where we can enjoy swimming, the Water Cube is what first came to my mind, which was built for the swimming competition of the 2008 Summer Olympics, but after the massive renovation of its interior, it is officially reopened to the public recently. The Water Cube looks like a huge square structure covered with bubbles from the outside, because the square symbolizes Chinese culture and bubbles stand for water. Comprising a steel space frame, it allows a large amount of light and heat penetration, resulting in a decrease in energy costs. Now it looks more like a water park, containing numerous water rides and slides, a wave pool and spa areas. Therefore, it is not only a well-known spot but also part of the game’s legacy.
- 描述你在野生动物园的场景
很多人可能没去过野生动物园,那就不要详细描述看动物的经过。从另外一个角度谈自己看到动物的感受,它们虽然没被关在笼子里,但它们的生活环境很有限,它们已经失去了自己的天性。(although they are not locked in the cage, they live in a limited area where they can’t run wild and free. As a result, they lose their natural instincts. For example, lions and tigers are becoming lazy and docile because they don’t need to care about food.)还可以说野生动物园潜在的危险性,动物咬伤甚至咬死人们的例子时常发生。(cases that wild animals hurt or even kill people are happening now and again)
- 你想去但一直都没有去看的体育比赛
这个根据自己的喜好可以是篮球比赛-NBA,足球比赛-世界杯(the World Cup)或者奥运会你喜欢看的某种体育竞赛。先讲自己为什么想去看这场比赛(喜欢打篮球等,想去现场感受气氛feel the live atmosphere of fierce competition,想一睹自己喜欢的球星的风采 to see the charm of whom I admire on the spot),再讲自己为什么一直没有去(因为学习或工作没有时间having no time because of study or work,要出国没有钱去cannot afford to go abroad to see the game,抢不到门票 cannot get the tickets)其中为什么想去看可以讲多点,尤其是对某个球星很喜欢的话,可以多了解点他(她)的资料,这也可以用在或你尊敬的一个人的话题上。
- 描述一处自然景观
I am always looking forward to visiting Yellowstone National Park because of its wildlife and natural spots such as canyons, rivers and mountain ranges. It is famous for an active volcano, forming an incomparable landscape. What’s more, hundreds of species of mammals, birds and fish are living with freedom, including several that are either endangered or threatened. When you are in this beautiful scenery, you can completely release yourself, leaving the pressure and unhappy things behind. What you want to do then are to totally integrate with nature, to breathe the fresh air and to see fantastic geysers, as two-thirds of the world’s geysers are concentrated in Yellowstone Park. Hence, if I have a chance to see a nature beauty, I would definitely choose to go there.
- 经历的困难
这个话题可以直接以雅思考试为例,描述自己是如何从英语不好到一点一点打基础的过程(at first,my English is poor. It is the strong desire of studying abroad that motivates me to build the foundation of English bit by bit and now I am progressing. )这次考试就是对自己克服困难的检验(to check whether I have already overcome difficulties)。或者说自己学骑车学游泳等经历的从不会到会的过程,自己是如何刻苦练习,始终相信坚持就会成功。(insisting and never giving up lead to the road of success.)如果是学游泳等运动项目又可以跟sports 这个话题挂钩。
- 描述很久没联系的朋友的最后一次见面
这个场景可以联想到初中或高中毕业典礼(commencement)或毕业聚会(graduation party) 上,和朋友聊以前的事情或未来前景(talk about something happened before and plans in the future),这里可以详细说明;还可以继续说一起拍照留念等,并延伸说现在没联系的原因,学习或工作太忙(too busy in studying and working to contact with each other),两人处在不同城市(being in a different city or country, it is rather difficult for us to see each other face to face)
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雅思预备VIP8人班 | 词汇量在3500左右英语基础较好,或雅思已考4分的学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思强化VIP8人班 | 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平的学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思冲刺VIP8人班 | 英语四级550以上,或雅思已考6分同等英语水平的学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思基础VIP8人班 | 英语四级左右水平,雅思已考4.5或同等英语水平的学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思突破VIP8人班 | 英语四级以上,或雅思已考5分同等水平学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思6分精品班 | 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平的学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思6分基础班 | 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平的学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思6分突破班 | 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等英语水平学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思6.5分铂金班 | 大学英语六级480分以上,雅思已考6分同等水平的学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思6.5分精品班 | 大学英语六级480分以上,雅思已考6分同等水平学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思强化住宿VIP8人班 | 大学英语四级450分以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思精讲住宿VIP8人班 | 基础一般词汇量在3500左右,或雅思4.5分同等水平学生 | / | 查看 |
雅思基础住宿VIP8人班 | 基础一般词汇量在3500左右,或雅思4.5分同等水平学生 | / | 查看 |
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