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2012年11月17日 09:27
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Within all the various types of communication means, I prefer face-to-face conversation. Even if IT has rendered it much more convenient than ever for people to contact each other over the Internet, it separates people while worsens the relationship. Therefore, face-to-face communication shows this unparalleled advantage that, when chatting you can see the facial expressions, body movement and hear the ups and downs from the voice of your friend. Thus, you can feel the real emotion of your friend. That’s also why I seldom chatting via the Internet.




The team I want to join in is a cooperative while competitive one.

Teams like this are guaranteed if every member in the team is aware of the importance of cooperation. Team members can brainstorm to share and refine ideas, thought which better solutions can be worked out.

Additionally, elimination system also can be introduced to form a competitive environment.

In this way, the members can always hold positive attitude towards the tasks and the goal can be more easily achieved.




I feel like talking about physics classes. The time when I got to know about Physics I fell in love with it. As a little kid, I couldn’t quite understand the principles of the subject. I still clearly remember the simple but impressive experiment my physics teacher conducted. He asked us “Suggest there are 2 vacuum glass pipes and one contains a stone and the other, a feather. Now guess which one falls more quickly in its pipe?” Most of us came up with wrong answers immediately. The fact is, without the influence of air, they will move at the same speed with the same acceleration of gravity. I was stunned at that time because it kind of violate what I thought is common sense. Then I showed great interest in the nature of all things and the rules that regulate all their movements. I guess that’s what physics is all about.




As a boy, I typically love toy guns. I can’t trace clearly when I started to buy them, but I guess their cool appearance was really fascinating to the kids like me. I had this special toy pistol, the Desert Eagle in my eight-year-old-birthday party. This pistol accompanied me throughout my childhood. It had silver paint and a metal bar to increase the weight. My friends and I had naughty but fun games called “street gun fire”. We used toy guns to shoot each other. Of course, it was not dangerous cuz it would just feel like a slight scratch even if you were shot. For all these years I have kept this toy pistol as something sweet and precious which could always remind me of some awesome memories.




The most important city in my mind is no doubt my hometown Shijiazhuang. It was once famous for its brand of milk powder “the three deer”, which had been closed due to its poisonous milk.

In retrospect of the city’s history, Shijiazhuang developed from a small town with the booming of the railroad transportation. The city is the crossing point which connects north-to-south and east-to-west routes.

Frankly, my hometown is far less developed than the metropolitans like Beijing, but in my mind the citizens in this city are all so warm-hearted that they treat everyone with kindness and won’t look down upon outlanders. What’s more, the pressure on people is not so overwhelming that people won’t feel desperate.

And all these reasons make Shijiazhuang the happiest city all over China. Hence, this city is undoubtedly the most important city in my mind.


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雅思预备VIP8人班 词汇量在3500左右英语基础较好,或雅思已考4分的学生 / 查看
雅思强化VIP8人班 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平的学生 / 查看
雅思冲刺VIP8人班 英语四级550以上,或雅思已考6分同等英语水平的学生 / 查看
雅思基础VIP8人班 英语四级左右水平,雅思已考4.5或同等英语水平的学生 / 查看
雅思突破VIP8人班 英语四级以上,或雅思已考5分同等水平学生 / 查看
雅思6分精品班 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平的学生 / 查看
雅思6分基础班 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平的学生 / 查看
雅思6分突破班 大学英语四级以上,雅思已考5分或同等英语水平学生 / 查看
雅思6.5分铂金班 大学英语六级480分以上,雅思已考6分同等水平的学生 / 查看
雅思6.5分精品班 大学英语六级480分以上,雅思已考6分同等水平学生 / 查看
雅思强化住宿VIP8人班 大学英语四级450分以上,雅思已考5分或同等水平学生 / 查看
雅思精讲住宿VIP8人班 基础一般词汇量在3500左右,或雅思4.5分同等水平学生 / 查看
雅思基础住宿VIP8人班 基础一般词汇量在3500左右,或雅思4.5分同等水平学生 / 查看

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