Passage 1 |
Topic |
First city(city of Ur) |
Content Review 部分:乌尔城为于美索不达米亚,离伊拉克很近,它的历史起源、地址、当地人的生活习惯。 第二部分:寺庙的作用 第三部分:乌尔城文化如何得以保留
Questions & Answers 1-14 填空题 1. 待补充 2. pyramid 当地寺庙形状类似于金字塔 3. 待补充 4. storeroom 5. banks 寺庙扮演了银行的角色,在大家经济困难的时候提供借贷服务 6. clay 当地人把文字写在了粘土上,使得文字得以保存 7. fires
判断题 8. Not Given 第二段开头, 乌尔城在伊拉克仍有少量信息存在,但是没有physic remains 9. False 10. True 11. False 12. True basis替换了important 13. False relatives亲属,文中说缺粮的时候人们走出家庭和邻居合作而不是亲戚。 |
Passage 2 |
Topic |
Commercial ice in nineteenth century |
Content Review 文章主旨 段:债券的历史起源 第二段:债券对政府的作用 第三段:债券价格受通货膨胀inflation,利率interest rate变化的影响 第四段:待补充 第五段:不同的债券市场类型 第六段:有时候债券不到期就被收回 第七段:欧盟国家因为使用同一种货币对某一个国家的经济影响
Questions & Answers 14-26 Heading 14. Paragraph A vi 15. Paragraph B vii 16. Paragraph C ii 17. Paragraph D iv 18. Paragraph E i 19. Paragraph F viii 20. Paragraph G iii
多选题 21. A 为重工程基础设施建设筹集资金 22. D pension fund 以此盈利
题空 23. salt monopoly 古代一个国家在盐垄断的基础上发行债券 24. secondary market 只能在二级市场进行债券交易 25. interest rate 26. quantitative easing |
Passage 3 |
Topic |
Multitask |
Content Review Multitasking debate 关于一个人同时做很多事的能力,不同专家做了不同的研究,如何能做到同时完成多种任务。
Questions & Answers 28-32 句子匹配题 28. a theory explained delay happens when selecting one reaction 29. Different age groups responds to important things differently 30.conflicts happened when visual and audio element emerge simultaneously 31. An experiment designed to demonstrates blocks for multitasking 32. An viewpoint favours optimistic side of multitask performance
33-35 选择题
33. Which one is correct about experiment conducted by Rene Marois? A. participants performed poorly on listening task solely B. volunteers press different key on different colours C. participants need to use different fingers on different colored objects D. they did a better job on mixed image and sound information
34. Which statement is correct about the first imitation of Marois’ experiment? A. attentional blink’ takes about ten seconds B. lag occurs if we concentrate on one object while second one appears C. we always have trouble in reacting the second one D. first limitation can be avoided by certain measure
35. Which one is NOT correct about Meyer’s experiments and statements? A. just after failure in several attempts can people execute dual-task B. Practice and overcome dual-task interference C. Meyer holds a different opinion on Marois’ theory D. An existing processor decides whether delay another task or not 36. 待补充
37. NG 文中没有说哪个人获得更多的支持活着更加少的支持 38. Yes 文中popular替换common 39. Not Given 40. No 关于开车的结果并不令人惊讶 |