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2013年08月05日 07:59
供稿单位:互联网   责编:新航道小编  浏览 0

1.Describe a good parerct that you know
2.Describe a toy that you like
3.Describe an interesting person that you recenting meet
4. Describe a piece of clothing that you like most
5.How to keep fit
6. Describe a school rule that you agree or disagree
7. Describe a perfect vocation
8. Describe an occasion that you helped someone
9. Describe a place where you like to listen to music
10. Describe a foreign language that you want to learn
11. Describe a place where you studied
12. Describe a café
13. Describe an that made you want to buy something
14. Describe a game that you like to play
15. Describe an old person
16. Describe an outdoor aceivity
17. Describe an ideal job
18. Describe a seaside place
19. Describe an occasion that someone visited your house
20. Describe a picnic
21. Describe what you’ve learned in math form primany school
22. Describe a moiv/tv prograrn that made you langh a lot


课程名称 上课地点 上课时间 查看课程
SAT精华2000分暑假班 中南校区 / 查看
雅思6.5分精讲暑假班 武广校区 / 查看
雅思7分暑假班 吴家湾校区 / 查看
新托福90分精讲暑假班 吴家湾校区 / 查看
新托福90分暑假班 吴家湾校区 / 查看
新托福90分突破暑假班 吴家湾校区 / 查看
雅思6.5分暑假班 吴家湾校区 / 查看
雅思7分突破暑假班 吴家湾校区 / 查看
就要痛快学 2014暑假班


  • SAT精华2000分暑假班报名
  • 雅思6.5分精讲暑假班报名
  • 雅思7分暑假班报名
  • 新托福90分精讲暑假班报名
  • 新托福90分暑假班报名
  • 新托福90分突破暑假班报名
  • 雅思6.5分暑假班报名
  • 雅思7分突破暑假班 报名