考点词汇就是指雅思阅读中常出现的对句意、题意有着重要影响的词汇。考点词汇也就是雅思阅读中的高频词汇,是考生的必备词汇。今天长沙新航道雅思小编为大家整理的雅思词汇解析 :运动(一),希望能给大家带来帮助!
1. shape /ʃeɪp/
a. be in good shape: 身体健康; 身体状况良好
e.g. Sadly, I'm not in good shape anymore. Ten years working behind a desk has given me quite a belly.
b. Be out of shape:身体状态差
e.g. I hadn’t been training for months and was really out of shape.
c. Get (yourself) back into shape 使恢复体形﹙或健康﹚
e.g. Walking is a good beginner's activity if you're just starting to get back into shape.
2. strenuous /'strenjʊəs/
adj. 费力的;竭力的;奋力的
a. strenuous exercise 剧烈运动
b. a strenuous trip/ day/ job 辛苦的旅行/ 一天/ 工作
c.口语话题:What sports do you like?
I love football. It is strenuous and physically challenging, which helps me to burn up calories.
3. cardio
a. prefix: of the heart 心脏的
e.g. cardiology 心脏病学
cardiovascular 心血管的
b. 有氧运动: any type of exercise that causes the heart to beat faster and harder for a period of time.
e.g. fasted cardio 空腹有氧
e.g. My workout usually includes 15 to 20 minutes of cardio.
注:workout (一段时间的)训练,锻炼
cardio 也经常放在名词前
e.g. cardio exercises / training / workouts 有氧运动/训练
也可以称为:aerobic exercise
strength training 即力量训练
4.plateau /'plætəʊ/
a. 高原
b. 活动或进程中的稳定阶段,停滞时期
e.g. The price of gas seems to have reached a plateau.
e.g. I'd been losing about a pound a week on my diet, but recently I've hit plateau and haven't lost an ounce.
突破停滞期:bust/ get past / break through
v. 到达停滞期;稳定期
e.g. The population increase is expected to plateau in the year 2007.
好啦! 本期单词你都学废了吗?我们下期见。
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