FCE英语运用 part1
2014年07月09日 03:40
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FCE英语运用 part1

For questions 1 - 16, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.Choose the correct answer, drag it and drop it, or type the corresponding letter into the corresponding box.
The recommended time for this exam is 10 minutes or under

Example:    (1) : choose B
    A) can     B) would    C)should    D)must

Becoming a star 1

Every year thousands of young (1) be stars turn (2) in Hollywood, the land of fantasy and dreams, hoping to be (3) by a producer who believes they have that special magic (4) that audiences worship. What they don't realise is that they are setting (5) on a journey leading to long days of low paid jobs (6) on tables or cleaning cars. The (7) majority, if not all, will finally have to go back to their home (8) , penniless and with their dreams in (9) . Los Angeles is full of waiters and waitresses who will tell you that they are only working there for the time (10) , until they get their (11) in films, which never comes. So here is some free (12) . Before you decide that a life in (13) is for you, take a long hard (14) at yourself and make sure you really are strong (15) to endure the many hard years you will undoubtedly face. If you still decide to go ahead, I have two words for you. Good (16) 



A) can

B) would

C) should

D) must


A) down

B) around

C) over

D) up


A) noticed

B) studied

C) analysed

D) interrogated


A) starnoise

B) starluck

C) stardust

D) starlight


A) off

B) up

C) in

D) on


A) breaking

B) making

C) sitting

D) waiting


A) slight

B) complete

C) vast

D) total


A) towns

B) countries

C) continents

D) schools


A) shatters

B) shutters

C) curtains

D) blinds


A) in

B) out

C) off

D) being


A) crack

B) break

C) smash

D) shatter


A) advice

B) luck

C) questions

D) funds


A) films

B) cartoons

C) documentaries

D) dramas


A) job

B) fight

C) run

D) look


A) mind

B) enough

C) feeling

D) smell


A) luck

B) chance

C) opportunity

D) help





1. B

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. A

9. A

10. D

11. B

12. A

13. A

14. D

15. B

16. A



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