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2014年07月09日 05:47
供稿单位:互联网  责编:本站编辑 浏览: 0 次

—by Anna Tafoya

I love you so much. You are always inside me, warm within my heart, and you are everywhere in the world that surrounds me. You come to me tenderly. You take my soul places it's never been before. You give me more of you than I ever knew anyone could give.


You give me feelings that feel like presents almost too beautiful to open. Among the gifts you have given, one of the most wonderful of all is the joy of being so close to you. Thank you for trusting me enough to share all that you are with all that I hope to be.


I love catching glimpses of every new facet you share with me. And the more you do that the more I can't help but adore what I see.


In the time that we have been together, you have made my sun rise on so many mornings — and I'm sure it was you who made my stars come out at night. You've surprised me with the gifts of hope and laughter and love, and you've made me a believer in something I never used to have too much faith in: the notion that dreams really can come true.  


If there are times when you look at me and see my eyes filled with smiles and tears, it's only because my heart is so full of happiness, and because my life is so thankful for you。





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基础英语VIP8人班 招生对象:英语基础薄弱,语法不系统,词汇量在2000左右的学生。 / 查看

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