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2013年11月13日 02:24
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  【本文为长沙新航道学校托福教研组整理的2013年11月16日 雅思考试预测文件,学生可关注长沙新航道官方网站https://cs.xhd.cn/,雅思预测、托福预测栏目将及时更新;或关注新浪微博@长沙新航道,也可前往五一广场平和堂1804室咨询台领取。】
  【雅思、新托福、外教口语、VIP一对一等课程咨询,敬请致电:0731-85829758 / 768】
Part one
  name/Major / work / study/primary school
  apartment/ house/ room
  art/drawing/ sculpture / painting
  healthy/ keep fit/ Diet change / food / cook
  bag/ birthday/ gift
  cars/ traffic
  mobile phone
  Family / relatives
  Hometown / city change
  English learning
  Flat / house / room
  *A Television Program(新题)
  Clothes / fashion / Internet shopping
  Childhood / past memory
  On time / lateness
  Holidays / relaxation
  Birthday / gift
  Sports / walking
  entertainment/weekends Songs
  a film you like
    a handicraft you appreciate


重点: PART ONE ( /有些题也会出现在part 3)
1. Living place/house/apartment
Part 1/Part3 Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture or appliances do you have in your home? Which part of the apartment do you want to make a change? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in the future? Do you like the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another house or flat in the near future? What do you think of the neighborhood where you live? How long have you lived there? How do you like it? What are your neighbors like?
2 color
What color do you like? What is your favorite color? Why? Do different colors have different meaning to you? What do different colors stand for?
3. Do you like…?
Do you like shopping? Are you very interested in art? Do you like cooking? Do you like your neighbors? Do you like reading newspapers? Did you enjoy primary school? Did you like painting when you were a child?
Do you like playing sport? Do you like dancing?
4. Sports   Part1/3 what kind of sports is popular in your country? Is it good for sportsmen to do advertisements? Do you think athletes receive too much money from doing commercials?
5. How do people plan their daily routine? How do you think a person can find the right balance between work time and family time? 
6. Part1/3
How has the relationship between neighbors changed between now and the past?
Have cities changed much in your country in the past few decades?
Is it easier or more difficult to get a job today than in the past?
Is the material that furniture is made from today different to the material that was used in the past?
How has the way people get news changed?
Are there any differences in the way people relax today compared to the past?

7. Hometown
Where are you from? What’s the most impressive/interesting part of your hometown? Has your hometown changed in recent years? Describe your hometown.

8. Weather
What type of weather do you like? When are there best weather in China? What kind of weather is suitable for work? How does weather affect people?

9. Relaxation
Part1,3 What are some of the various things that people do to relax? Do people of different ages relax in the same way?
Are there any differences in the way people relax today compared to the past? So why are people spending more time on the computer? Why do you think some people find it hard to relax? What about the future, do you think there will be less stress than today, or more? Some people think leisure activities are a waste of time. Do you agree?
10. Food/cook
What kinds of food are popular in your country? What is your favorite food? What’s your favorite food when you were a child? Can you cook? Do you like cooking? What are the benefits of eating home-cooked food?

11. Personal Present Situation
work:  What kind of job would you prefer after graduation?
What are your job prospects?
What do you do for a living?
How do you feel at first day of your work? Is first impression important at workplace?
Part 1/3 Are you a student or do you have a job?
Study : what kind of school do you attend? What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Is that a very popular subject to study in your country? Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies? Why did you choose ...as your major? What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?

12 .Books
Do you like reading?
who is your favorite writer?
What kinds of books do you like to read? Are you reading any books at the moment?


Part 2  (红色先准备)
  1. a person who is talkative
  2. a neighbor 
  3. a teenager/child that you are familiar with 
  4. a good parent you know 
  5. the most polite person you know 
  6. a person who has an important job or important position
  7. someone who became your friend at the first meeting 
  8. a member of your family 
  9. a happy couple you know
  10. a family member who influenced you
  11. a person you like to spend time with
  12.an old person you respect
  13.famous person who is important in your country

  14.a good cook
  15.a time someone taught u how to do sth useful
  16. an interesting person you recently met
  1. a garden you visited
  2. a beautiful house or apartment you’ve visited/lived in 
  3.an ideal house
  4. a city/town you visited as a tourist/Place you want to visit/visited
  5. a cafe you know in your hometown
  6. a library you visited 
  7. a room you spend most of your time in 
  8. a place with crowds of people
  9. a place with water
  10. Building
  11.historical place
  12.part of your hometown that you like best
  13.a place where you have worked or studied
  14.a seaside you like to visit
  15. an interesting country
  16. a shopping street you like

  1. a present you received or gave to others recently
  2. the type of clothes you usually like to wear 
  3. a film about real people and event
  4. a book or film you read or watched about the future 
  5. a book you would like to read again /a book sb recommended to u 
  6. a meaningful song for you 
  7. an educational TV program you watch 
  8. a thing you ever bought but dissatisfied 
  9. something you eat that is unforgettable
  10. a useful website you like to visit
  11. the equipment you found useful (not a computer) / a scientific equipment
  12. a language you would learn (not English or Mandarin) 
  13. a toy you played in your childhood  
  14. an important plant in your country
  15. a vehicle you want to buy(car or bike)
  16. an advertisement make you want to buy something
  17. Newspaper/Magazine
  18.Favorite photo
  19.Something you want to own
  20. a bag
  21. a scientific equipment
  22.a flower/plant in your country
  23. sth you can’t live without (not a cell phone or computer)

      24.a statue or a piece of art work
  1. something useful you learned from your family member 
  2. a sport event you have watched  /a performance ./ show
  3. a thing made you relaxed/a way to relax
  4. a casual activity you want to try along the beach 
  5. a wrong decision made by someone you know  /a terrible decision in your life
  6. a lesson or training session 
  7. an enjoyable activity you do with other people
  8. your future plan (not about work and study)  
  9. an ideal/unusual job you want to do 

  10. a historical/important/traditional event in your country 
  11. an occasion when you were late
  12. a perfect holiday/vocation you want to have in the future 
  13. Math lesson you attended at primary school
  14. a time you went to a place crowded with people
  15. a recent change in your life
  16. a time when you helped someone 
  17. an interesting speech/talk you heard 
  18. an important message you received by phone, email or text 
  19. a show or dance or performance you enjoy watching 
  20. a game you enjoyed when you were a child(not sports games)
  21. a volunteer / failure experience 

  22. an experience of online shopping
  23.an activity on the beach you took part in / an outdoor activity u want to try
  24. a plan (not about study or work)/ a holiday(not about study or work)
  25. a traditional festival
  26. a school club you were in
  27. a special meal you were invited to  
  28 a traditional event
  29.radio programme
  30.a party you want to hold recently
  31.learned from science at school
  32.a public trip
  33.a picnic
  34. a positive change happened in your life recently
  35. an occasion when you moved into a new house or school

  1.A second foreign language you want to learn(except English)
  2.your favorite season
  3.A law in China
  4.a rule in your school you like or dislike
  5 the difference between young people and children
  6. school education
  7.a family business you know
  8.a group you would like to take part in
  9.your favorite season or time of the year


























课程名称 上课地点 上课时间 查看课程
雅思预备VIP8人班 词汇量在3500左右英语基础较好,或雅思已考4分的学生 / 查看
托福预备VIP8人班 英语基础较好,词汇量在3500左右计划学习托福的学生 / 查看
SAT强化VIP8人班 SAT已考1200分以上或同等水平学生 / 查看
TOEFL Junior VIP一对一 英语基础薄弱,词汇量在2000左右同等英语水平的学生。 / 查看
留学预备课程一级 没有英语基础或基础薄弱,需要学习英语 / 查看
基础英语VIP8人班 招生对象:英语基础薄弱,语法不系统,词汇量在2000左右的学生。 / 查看
外教口语俱乐部30次卡 需要提高口语的学生。 / 查看
AP微积分VIP一对一课程 需要学习AP微积分课程的同学。 / 查看
雅思一对一课程 申请出国留学,需要提高雅思成绩的学生 / 查看


  • 雅思预备VIP8人班报名
  • 托福预备VIP8人班报名
  • TOEFL Junior VIP一对一报名
  • 留学预备课程一级报名
  • 基础英语VIP8人班报名
  • 外教口语俱乐部30次卡报名
  • AP微积分VIP一对一课程报名




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