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2014年07月18日 03:24
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【本文为长沙新航道学校雅思教研组整理的2014年1月18日雅思考试预测文件,学生可关注长沙新航道官方网站https://cs.xhd.cn/,雅思预测、托福预测栏目将及时更新;或关注新浪微博@长沙新航道,也可前往五一广场平和堂1804室咨询台领取。】【长沙新航道雅思、新托福、外教口语、VIP一对一等课程咨询,敬请致电:0731-85829758 / 768】


    本次A类小作文为流程图flow chart 瓶子制作过程,比较简单。


    TASK2:Some people change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons? Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

    分析:这个题目需要回答2个问题,第1个:换工作的原因:如考虑payment, reputation,以及personal interest, working environment, interpersonal relationship等;或者需要得到spiritual satisfaction.

    第2个:老是换工作的好处:accumulation of knowledge and work experience in different fields; improve communication skills等;坏处: 会给人觉得缺乏royalty to the company; 花时间需要适应新的环境it takes a period of time to adopt to a new environment; challenge new staff;不利于整个职业生涯的规划和发展 frequent job hopping is harmful to the whole career planning and development。


    小作文:重点关注bar,line, pie;table可能性小一点,流程图和地图题还有可能。            


    1.  Some people think government should invest more in teaching science than other subjects such as arts, because science could contribute to the country’s development an progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    2.some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people while others think the purpose of museums is educate, not entertain. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
    3.Nowadays, more and more companies are allowing employees to work at home because of the development of Internet technology. Do you think it is a positive or negative development for employers and individuals?
    4.Countries are much more interesting and develop more quickly when their population includes a mixture of different nationalities and cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
    5.Some people argue that companies and private individuals, not government should pay the bill of environmental pollution cleanup. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
    6.In recent years, economic growth makes people richer both in developed and developing countries, people in developing countries are happier than before, while people in the developed countries are not. Why do you think it is and what can we learn from it?
    7.Some people think lawbreakers should be sent to prison, while other people think there are some better alternatives(for example, being work to do which is beneficial for local community). Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
    8.some people think news have  no connection to people’s lives, so then it is a waste of time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs. Do you agree or disagree?
    9.Nowadays, it is easier and more affordable for people to visit other countries, is it a positive or negative development?
    10.Nowadays, there is an increasing number of people who do not know their neighbors. What causes this situation? How to solve?
    11.As the proportion of older people is steadily increasing, discuss the positive or negative effects on the society.
    12.Some people belive that charity organization should give the aid to those in great needs, where they lives; some people think that charity organizations should concentrate on helping people who lives in their own countries. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

























课程名称 上课地点 上课时间 查看课程
雅思预备VIP8人班 词汇量在3500左右英语基础较好,或雅思已考4分的学生 / 查看
托福预备VIP8人班 英语基础较好,词汇量在3500左右计划学习托福的学生 / 查看
SAT强化VIP8人班 SAT已考1200分以上或同等水平学生 / 查看
TOEFL Junior VIP一对一 英语基础薄弱,词汇量在2000左右同等英语水平的学生。 / 查看
留学预备课程一级 没有英语基础或基础薄弱,需要学习英语 / 查看
基础英语VIP8人班 招生对象:英语基础薄弱,语法不系统,词汇量在2000左右的学生。 / 查看
外教口语俱乐部30次卡 需要提高口语的学生。 / 查看
AP微积分VIP一对一课程 需要学习AP微积分课程的同学。 / 查看
雅思一对一课程 申请出国留学,需要提高雅思成绩的学生 / 查看


  • 雅思预备VIP8人班报名
  • 托福预备VIP8人班报名
  • TOEFL Junior VIP一对一报名
  • 留学预备课程一级报名
  • 基础英语VIP8人班报名
  • 外教口语俱乐部30次卡报名
  • AP微积分VIP一对一课程报名




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