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2014年07月30日 04:44
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本文为长沙新航道学校雅思教研组整理的雅思考试预测文件。学生可关注长沙新航道官方网站http://cs.xhd.cn/,雅思预测、托福预测栏目将及时更新;或关注新浪微博@长沙新航道,腾讯微信关注@新航道(ID: xhdchangsha)。




    【本文为长沙新航道学校雅思教研组整理的雅思考试预测文件。学生可关注长沙新航道官方网站https://cs.xhd.cn/,雅思预测、托福预测栏目将及时更新;或关注新浪微博@长沙新航道,腾讯微信关注@新航道(ID: xhdchangsha)。】









Task 1:高铁的发展,注意时态。


2014726 A类雅思大作文 环保类话题

Task 2Some people think environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, think that those problems can not be solved unless individuals take some action. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



考题分析:此题属于双边探讨,分别讨论两边的论点并且给予个人意见。一些严重的环境污染问题,例如全球变暖,海洋污染,也许不能完全由个人努力解决,因此,政府在环境治理(environmental management)的中的责任是很有挑战性的(challenging),但是,又是不可逃避的(inescapable),因为政府是合法的机构(the only legalized institution )可以立法(formulate laws)保护环境. 另一方面,改善环境个人应该也努力。比如:我们应该鼓励公众做公共交通工具,步行或者骑自行车,而不是过度依赖私家车。每个人应该提高环保意识以及培养环保的生活方式,比如:可以阅读电子书籍不是纸媒书籍,我们可以周边游不是长途游,我们可以节水节电。个人观点:joint efforts都很重要。





 2014719 题型预测如下:

 小作文:多关注Pie,Bar,Line; 8月的考生适当关注地图题和流程图。




A study shows that a lot of children, from the age 7 to 11, spend too much time watching television or playing video games. How do you think this problem influence the children, their families and the society? What measures should be taken to solve it?


In many countries, more and more young people are leaving schools and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? And make some suggestions.


 It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together. Include any relevant examples from your experience.


 It is better for students to live away from home while studying at university than live at home with parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? = Nowadays, sending children to a boarding school is becoming increasingly popular. Why is this case? Do you think it is a positive development?


If a product is good or it meets people's needs, people will buy it, so advertising is unnecessary and no more than an entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



 Research suggests that majority of criminals who send to prison would commit crimes when set free, what do you think of this case? What can be done to solve this problem?

 There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone?



 The best way to solve the environmental problems and resolve energy crisis)is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some employers think that academic qualifications are more important than life experience and personal qualities when they look for an employee. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



 Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a child's education than going to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


There is a movement of the people from agricultural areas to go to cities in order to get work, what are the most serious problems in both places. What are the measures of solving these problems?







































课程名称 上课地点 上课时间 查看课程
雅思预备VIP8人班 词汇量在3500左右英语基础较好,或雅思已考4分的学生 / 查看
托福预备VIP8人班 英语基础较好,词汇量在3500左右计划学习托福的学生 / 查看
SAT强化VIP8人班 SAT已考1200分以上或同等水平学生 / 查看
TOEFL Junior VIP一对一 英语基础薄弱,词汇量在2000左右同等英语水平的学生。 / 查看
留学预备课程一级 没有英语基础或基础薄弱,需要学习英语 / 查看
基础英语VIP8人班 招生对象:英语基础薄弱,语法不系统,词汇量在2000左右的学生。 / 查看
外教口语俱乐部30次卡 需要提高口语的学生。 / 查看
AP微积分VIP一对一课程 需要学习AP微积分课程的同学。 / 查看
雅思一对一课程 申请出国留学,需要提高雅思成绩的学生 / 查看


  • 雅思预备VIP8人班报名
  • 托福预备VIP8人班报名
  • TOEFL Junior VIP一对一报名
  • 留学预备课程一级报名
  • 基础英语VIP8人班报名
  • 外教口语俱乐部30次卡报名
  • AP微积分VIP一对一课程报名




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