
2024考研英语一真题精讲:2013 完型精讲(一)

作者: 2023-08-07 14:42 来源:长沙编辑

  考研英语中阅读理解是怎样的一种存在?分值低,得分难,出题范围广是完型填空的特点,主要考察的是逻辑关系和语义的理解。考研英语完型填空该如何复习?该如何拿高分呢?下面新航道考研小编给大家准备了2024考研英语一真题精讲:2013 完型精讲(一),希望对大家有帮助。


  ①People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. ②At first glance this might seem like a strength that   1   the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by   2   factors.③But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big   3   was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. ④  4  , he theorised that a judge   5   of appearing too soft  6  crime might be more likely to send someone to prison   7   he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.

  ①People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions.总的来说,人们在做个人决定时,都是不善于考虑背景信息的。
  People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions.
  on the whole:整体上;大体上。
  be poor at:不擅长。
  be good at:擅长于
  excel in/at:擅长于
  background n. 背景。
  People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions.(分词版)
  People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when they make individual decisions.(从句版)

  ②At first glance this might seem like a strength that   1   the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by  2  factors.乍一看,这似乎是一种优势,可以赋予人们一种能力,做出不受外部因素影响(公正)的判断。
  【逻辑分析】句首无逻辑词,逻辑一致。或者逻辑词是“at first glance”,这个词传递的是表象意思,就是看起来怎么样,其实不是这样的,是转折“先兆词”。
  At first glance this might seem like a strength that   1   the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by  2  factors.
  at first glance:乍一看
  strength n. 优势;长处(这里就是作者的看法,但是,这个看法是表面上看起来的,就是表面上看起来是个优势,其实不是。)
  that 1   the ability to make judgments

  1. A. grants赋予            B. submits提交        C. transmits转换                    D. delivers传递
  ability n. 能力
  judgment n. 判断
  which are unbiased by 2   factors.
  biased adj. 有偏见的。—— unbiased adj. 公正的;无偏见的
  factor n. 因素

  2. A. minor小的             B. objective客观的         C. crucial关键的             D. external外在的
  external factors(外在因素)就等于:background information。
  B选项干扰性最大,但是,文章没有说这个background information是什么样的,所以,我们无法知道background information是否客观,而且,如果是客观的,那么,这篇文章就不用写了。而D选项是不带判断的。
  background information 不等于 objective factors。

  ③But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big   3   was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with.但是,乌里·西门松博士推测,由于无法考虑全局,决策者会被他们每天所见的信息样本带偏。(就是被他们的坏境影响的意思,就是不能考虑大背景的话,看起来是我们不会被外在的因素所影响,其实,这样我们更容易受到我们所处坏境的影响)。
  【逻辑分析】句首有逻辑词but,上文的at first glance也暗示,会出现转折。上一句说,不善于考虑背景信息是一个优势,可以让我们做出客观的判断。这句一定要说,其实不是的,这个“其实,代表的是本质”,而上文说的:“at first glance咋看,这个代表的是现象”,上一句说了,它是转折的标志,果然,这里就出现了转折词:“but”。
  But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big 3   was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with.
  Dr. 是doctor(博士的缩写),所以,这里就是US博士。
  speculate vt. 推测;猜测;认为
  an inability to consider the big 3   was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with.
  主语:an inability to consider the big   3
  inability n. 无能;无力;不能
  这里就等于第一句:People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information
  poor at = an inability;to consider = considering;所以,background information = the big   3
  picture n. 局面;情况;局势。
  3. A. issue问题               B. vision看法           C. picture背景                          D. moment片刻
  was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of informationthey were working with.
  lead sb to do sth:促使某人做某事(其实还是导致的意思)
  decision-making n. 决策。—— decision-maker n. 决策者
  bias vt. 使有偏见(其实就是影响的意思,只不过是带偏的影响,就是上文说的unbiased的反面)
  the daily samples of information,这里就是日常信息的意思。
  they部分是定语从句修饰sample,这里的work with说得比较抽象,其实就是,周围环境、日常所见的信息。

  ④  4  , he theorised that a judge   5   of appearing too soft   6   crime might be more likely to send someone to prison  7   he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.例如,他(西门松)认为,如果一位法官在审判当天已经判处另外五、六名被告仅仅是被迫社区服务罪,那么,他可能会因为害怕自己对罪犯表现得太过软弱而更有可能把某人送进监狱。
  4  , he theorised that a judge   5   of appearing too soft   6   crime might be more likely to send someone to prison  7   he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.
  4. A. For example例如       B. On average一般而言     C. In principle原则上             D. Above all首先

  he theorised that a judge 5   of appearing too soft   6   crime might be more likely to send someone to prison   7   he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.
  theorize = theorise vt. 从理论上说明,就是认为的意思。
  that后面是宾语从句:a judge   5   of appearing too soft   6   crime might be more likely to send someone to prison   7   he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.
  he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day即,他在审判当天,该法官已经判处另外五、六名被告,仅仅是被迫社区服务罪。
  he指a judge(法官)
  sentence sb to sth:判刑;判决;宣判。
  defendant n. 被告人;被告。
  这里的forced community service是一种惩罚,就是犯了事,比较轻,就这么判,但是,这里没有说这五六个人犯什么罪。
  前一句:a judge   5   of appearing too soft   6   crime might be more likely to send someone to prison
  5空是,要描述这个法官是怎样的,这个答案非常难,要将:“他在审判当天已经判处另外五、六名被告仅仅是被迫社区服务罪” 和 “更可能把某个人送入监狱” 做对比,而且,这里社区服务罪是轻罪,坐牢是重罪;所以,这个法官就会害怕自己显得对罪犯太软弱(太松),因而,可能就会把某个人判入监狱(判某人重罪)。

  5. A. fond喜欢的             B. fearful害怕的             C. capable能够的                     D. thoughtless欠考虑的
  fearful of是形容词短语后置定语,修饰judge

  6空:a judge   fearful  of appearing too soft  6   crime
  6. A. in          B. on               C. to                          D. for
  这里的appear是系动词,就是和be是一样,换成这样:a judge fearful of being too soft...crime,所以,6空是选一个soft的介词。
  soft on:对...心慈手软/不够严厉的,这里表示对罪犯太软弱,就是这个法官害怕别觉得他判得太轻,这样反而可能会把某个人判入狱。
  所以,第一句:a judge   5   of appearing too soft   6   crime might be more likely to send someone to prison

  7. A. if如果                           B. untill直到                      C. though虽然                           D. unless除非
  【逻辑梳理】这一句的核心是说:一个法官在某天审判一些罪犯,关于这些罪犯要强调两点:其一、被告超过五六个,认识到这一点,说明你阅读已经很深刻了,为什么要强调超过五六个呢,因为:“sentenced five or six other defendants” other这个词,其他的五六个已经判了,所以说,超过五六个。其二、这些被告人犯的罪是一样的(或类似的;或者量刑上都是差不多的),和已经判了的那五六个差不多。为什么呢?因为,只有他们犯的罪差不多,那么,前面被判了强制社区服务罪的五六个人就会让这个法官显得对罪犯手软,这样一来,可能接下来再被判的人就会判重罪(进入监狱)。在这样的情况下,就是法官没有考虑到法律,而是受到当时环境(甚至是情绪)的影响。这样,法官对被判入狱者的判决就是(biased)有偏见的,不客观的。这就是第四句的核心。

  ③But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big   3   was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. ④  4  , he theorised that a judge  5 fearful  of appearing too soft  6 on  crime might be more likely to send someone to prison  7  he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.
  the daily samples of information they were working with. = he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.
  leading decision-makers to be biased = a judge 5 fearful  of appearing too soft   6 on   crime might be more likely to send someone to prison
  decision-makers = a judge



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