
托福独立写作真题范文 | 三两招突破独立写作系列(十一)

作者: 2020-06-18 17:02 来源:长沙编辑


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The rules that societies today expect young people to follow and obey are too strict.



  Age is a pivotal factor in many of such rules. The typical cases are the most marriageable age range and the best ages for a proper job or the start of a career. In some cultures, there is a rule, unwritten yet often said, that young people should get married at a certain point, usually a rather early point, of life. However, finding the permanent partner is never easy, and being rushed into such a relationship is so stressful that many young people have to make premature decisions. It is even more pitiful that young people often have to persuade themselves that ending up with spending the rest of life in a not-so-satisfactory marriage may not be perfectly pleasant but certainly feels better than being discriminated under the social norm.


  The rule of age also applies as young individuals graduate from college. ← 这一句话的目的就是把有关age的rule的另一个情境说出来而已,所以,对信息量的控制需要特别注意:没有说明rule的具体内容,也没有任何评价。句子的信息很单纯。Many societies rush their young people to be productive members of the community, asking them to generate value. ← 然后,我们对rule的具体内容作出说明。至于评价,大家注意用词rush,暗示性的表达了负评价。For example, in some countries, taking a gap year is hardly acceptable. ← 然后引出例子,引导的这一句,信息是缓的,也就是只是说到了taking a gap year这个情况,没有更多的信息了。 The time would otherwise be for young people to put their head together and identify their desires and pursuits; it is however considered idling time away. ← 然后开始作出负面评价。注意这里故意让转折在同一个句子里写完。这是因为转折前后的句子在信息上的关系紧密,所以特意只写一个句子来加快信息的速度。毕竟不然读者可能就要失去阅读的耐心了。 Isn’t it too much to ask those fairly young individuals to, in their early twenties, well plan the future three or four decades of their adulthood? ← 最后通过一个反问句的措辞,让一个读者的耐心苦苦支撑的段落不平淡收尾。

  然后,我们进一步补充: It is even more pitiful that young people often have to persuade themselves that ending up with spending the rest of life in a not-so-satisfactory marriage may not be perfectly pleasant but certainly feels better than being discriminated under the social norm. ← 这是一个长句。为什么我们会用一个长句?因为如果我们觉得个点快要结束了,我们就会有意识的减少句子的数量来加快信息节奏,不然,读者可能会误解成“看来还要慢慢展开呢”。

  接下来,是age相关的另一个点:Society also applies the rule that a young individual has to do something at a prescribed age to finding a proper destination as the individual graduates from college. Many societies therefore also rush their young people to be productive members of the community, asking them to generate value. For example, in some countries, taking a gap year is hardly acceptable. The time would otherwise be for young people to put their head together and identify their desires and pursuits; it is however considered idling time away. Isn’t it too much to ask young individuals to soon, in their early twenties, find what their future holds and to well plan the next thirty or forty years of the adulthood? ← 我们在这里不展开分析。下回分解中,我们会细致展开解释。


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