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题:Agree or Disagree : 学校要求每年40hours的community service是有必要的
第三题:passage: 学校为了帮助学生解决电脑问题,准备雇用一些paid student technician
这些technician要住在宿舍,为了给大家提供24小时的服务。 作为回报,住宿的费用减低一半
Conversation: 女的觉得这是个好主意,点. 她有一次做作业做到很晚, 电脑freeze了, 修不好,她只能抱着一大堆书去图书馆用电脑。 但是第二天她一个朋友说这是个很简单的问题,一下子就解决了,如果有student technician能帮她解决这个问题,就太好了。
第二点,降低一半的住宿费很不错,因为住宿费太贵了, 她也想去竞选这个职位
第四题:contrast effect
lecture:教授举了自己的例子, 自己年轻的时候去找房子,一开始看了很多烂房子small and crap,很受不了。 突然看到了一个还可以的 bigger and seems nicer。就定下来了。 因为和前面的房子比较。 但是等他搬进去,发现还是太小,他的家具什么的都放不下,而且现在看起来也没有那么nice。他还是应该更耐心一点去找更多的。
第五题:问题: 男生需要在寒假帮历史教授写新书不能回家。 但他同时是篮球队员,需要每天去gym锻炼。 不过学校的gym冬天不开门
解决方法:1. 去town里面的gym。 有one-month-membership 刚好可以cover整个寒假。 里面有他需要的所有器材。 但是 75一个月太贵了 2. 去户外跑步。 但是会很冷。
第六题:fast current 的河里面的鱼遇到challenge,,水流太快,无法停留在一个地方,会被水流冲下去。 catfish,有着big和muscular的fin(鱼鳍) 可以swim against水流
第二,水流太快,携带的食物无法吃到。 另一种鱼trout有一种behavior可以解决这个问题。 一般来说河流中间的水最快,但是岸边的水慢,trout就一直在岸边附近,这样就能吃到food
题:do you agree or disagree the university's decision to allow food during the class.
第二题:someone likes to collect old things, someone throw things away after they used it. what's your preference?
第三题:the university is offering new internship opportunity to journalism student. and the woman think it is great.
first, student will gain professional skills through this experience, and also this experience looks good on resume.
second, final course doesn't have regular schedule for student to attend.
第四题:planning fallacy. fail to consider all the possible factors that affect the project and lead to the inaccuracy in estimate the time that cost to complete then lead to bad consequences.
第五题:the man can't find his camera before his trip to spain. he can either buy a new one, or borrow one from his friend jake.
第六题: mechanism that animal use to survive from water current. one is attainment, black fly larva. the second is thick body, sculpin.
第二题:问你希望年轻人出去做part time还是好好学习。
第三题:关于医学院安排假期intern-ship的通知,女的觉得it‘s great news,but她有很多的works要做,所以时间安排让他很头疼,男的给了建议。。。
第六题:讲了2种处理工厂放出来的 carbon oxidate的方式。让你复述。也不难,一种是in factory,讲了一个process,一种是out of factory,就是在厂子周围多种树。
题:Describe a good study habit you have that is different from other students.Explain why this habit helps you? Include specific reasons and examples in your response.
第二题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Playing computer games on video games is a waste of teenagers' time.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
第三题:A letter written by a certain student suggested the university build its own museum because it can provide students more opportunities to enjoy art work. Also he advised the university to ask alumni for donation.
However, the boy thinks that it's unnecessary to build a museum for the following reasons.
First of all, it's more convenient and cheap for students to take buses to visit a museum in the downtown. What's more, the museum is free on weekends and has many exhibitions of famous art work. Another reason is that building a museum will waste a lot of money. Many alumni have already donated money to build the library and the student center. They have contributed so much to the university that they have not enough money to build a new one.
第四题:The lecture talks about principle of allocation. It means that animals will spend their energy and time on different activities such as finding food or reproduction for survival. The harder the work, the more energy they will spend and the easier the less.
The professor cites an example about seals to demonstrate this. Seals live in a great place where they can gain plentiful food resources and they can store their fat easily. They don't have to worry about finding food. However, the thing worries them is to reproduce. The males firstly should find a location to attract females. Second, they should have their own territory. Third, they should defend their territory. So seals should spend more energy and time on such things to survive.
第五题:The girl is very upset because she likes the professor of the literature class but dislikes the new professor who takes over the class. She just spoke by herself and never gave students chances to discuss.
According to the girl's situations, the boy gives her two solutions. One is to talk this problem to the professor. Another is to cancel the present class and attend another professor's class she likes.
In my eyes, I prefer the second one to the first one because the professor may not accept the suggestions to change her teaching method. Also, it's not good for learning when she isn't interested in what the professor talks about. She should cancel the class and enjoy another class that she really wants to get in.
第六题:The lecture talks about negative influences of advertisement to the environment. The first is to waste nature resources and second is to destroy the beauty of the nature world.
The professor cites an example about her experiences to demonstrate this.
One day, she received a booklet advertisement from the kitchen ware company. But it was useless for her because she didn't need such things for her apartment at all. And the people living around didn't need this, either. So it's a waste of nature resources, especially trees.
Also, the outside ads totally destroyed the nature beauty. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it's ugly to put up a big advertisement board.
题:怎么improve 国家的education system 给出你们国家用的方式解释
第二题:listening the audio 书和read book 你喜欢那个
第三题:share droom 是否要分享宿舍并选舍友在大学第二年以后
第四题:什么什么 imformation 标题暂时忘了 主要讲的大概是: when people make decisions, they always think they need more information than they really do. For example, the professor's friend wanted to hire an assitant a few years ago, they found a great candidate at the begining, he thought he was so experienced. However, he also interviewed some other people after that, when he called the frist candidate, he already had another job, so the professor's friend could not hire that person.
第六题:这题说砸了今天。全乱套了。。。只记得一小部分, 不过不会误导大家。
大概就是说两种方法减少对大自然的破坏。种是不要让人们踩踏植物。第二种是限制旅游人数。 比如让导游带着小旅行团。每天限制导游的数量。
题:人际交往的时候 good manner重要么?为啥?
第二题:你喜欢有很多经验的老师 还是没有经验的老师?为啥?
第三题:某人写了个信给学校要求改善学校的一个lounge,增加座位,电脑插头和打印机,然后两个学生对话,男同学认为这个信写的好,他有次用笔记本电脑没电了,那里连个plug都没有,这样可以在这充电鸟,不用回家充电,然后加个printer也很好,不然要走10分钟到student center去打印,位子多了也好。。。等等。让你叙述男生观点。
第四题:sweeping generalization。阅读一段,人们总是把行为generalize,就算有特殊情况,在做决策的时候行为模式不能固化,固化行为模式会造成不好的结果,然后教授讲座,举了个例子,先说大家都知道大吼是不好的,然后自己丢了个back pack 很着急,过了一会想起来是在咖啡厅了,回去一找发现有个女的从他去到他离开一直都坐在旁边,他问那女的为啥没告诉他丢东西了,此女说不想在咖啡厅大吼会影响别人,然后教授对此坚决反对。
第五题:讲动物们在非洲大草原的dry season如何生存,教授讲了两种动物,大象和wildebeest,这个干旱的地方一年下几个月雨,然后这里有种树,可以把水吸着储存起来,大象可以弄坏储满水的大树,然后吃掉,然后wildebeest每到旱季就迁徙到north去,那里草原多, 雨多点,过了旱季再回来。
第五题:女生要出去度假一周,但是pet bird没法喂。1、委托朋友喂,但是朋友忙,住的离她的宿舍远2、送到一个专门寄养动物的地方,缺点是贵
第六题:讲类似加盟店之类的,说有两个draw backs,个是总公司让各个分店没有创新的空间,举例子说比如加盟饭店,总公司规定了菜单之类的东西,分店想加某个创新菜就不符合规定。第二个是,一个分店的声誉影响着其他分店。还是饭店的例子,一个饭店脏,那么人们就会觉得其他分店也这样
题:What kind of food do you recommend to add to food menu on campus cafeteria? Use Examples and details to support your response.
第二题:Some people like to buy new but expensive books while others prefer to buy old but cheap ones. Which would you prefer?
学校要弄一个新的mentoring program, 是let fourth grade student to mentor first year students。有两个好处:
(1) to help 1st year student,help 1st year student adapt to college life more quickly, because senior students know much more than the freshmen;
(2) to help 1st year student to know some senior students to expand social connection。
(1) 大一的小P孩都不知道,比如说schedule change,building location,他们都不知道,所以有个人能deliver those information的话会很有帮助;
(2) 他大一的时候认识的人都是大一的或者住在一起的很局限,能认识更多不同年级的人的话会更好。
教授举了一个例子说卖office equipment的公司,sales groups。他们的奖金跟sales有很大的关系,分成两组:组人就直接看了,看完以后实验的人问他们什么感想?他们啥感想也没,对那个人没印象;第二组的人看完以后比较focus on personality,并且对他有比较好的印象都觉得这个人很qualified, 会成为一个很好的销售人员。
第五题:女生要完成商科的paper:采访一个magazine的创始人,为了学习关于how to start up business, the businessman called to cancel the interview because he has to attend a last-minute conference and will not be able to be back(out of town了) until next week。解决方法有二:
(1)wait for that person to come until next week,但会给那个女生less time to write paper;
(2)interview another person from the list given by the professor,但是area会不一样,女生对那个magazine很感兴趣。
第六题:记不太清楚了,说某种种植crop rotation的方式有什么优势,一是保存营养物质restore the nutrients in soil,Wheat uses up nitrogen, planting bean will restore nitrogen;二是清除害虫decrease insects. Some insects eat wheat, planting beans reduces this kind of insects.
第二题:是问Government该不该spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle。
第五题:是个女学生她的爸爸妈妈要来学校,所以要和她住在一起(她租了个公寓),但是她的问题是公寓太乱了,没有时间收拾,(这个有个最奇怪的就是没有其他人给出建议,是她自己自言自语的,刚刚开始我就说怎么没有对),一个solution是放弃chemistry的group talking,回家收拾房间,第二个是不参加完,跑回去收拾房间。
第六题:是讲猴子在树上,但是在那里,水只能在地底下得到。那么猴子是怎么得到水然后支撑生活的。个是absorb moisture from food,讲了一个什么hobe的猴子,它们吃的嫩叶子里面包含了水分,所以它们不用吃水也没有问题。第二个是喝雨水,一个called spider猴子的,它们用cup like plant来Link在树上,当有水的时候就用那个cup like plant来接水喝。
第三题:说学校要把学生宿舍变成faculty house,因为老师没地儿住. 学生不同意了,说那个central area很方便,又有咖啡厅啥的,老师们又不需要, 住在那里浪费呀,理由二: 老师在town里可以找到更好的房子,而且他们都有车,来学校很方便,根本不care你的faculty house.
第四题:阅读部分就是有一个词friming,还是啥的(不知道这个词是啥意思,不过听完听力里的意思就明白了),大概意思就是说但次采取某种保护自己的行为时需要的时间比较长,但是有了次,之后的动作就会很快了......然后教授解释了这是啥,listening部分教授就举了例子说Tobacoo的叶子容易被毛毛虫吃,次毛毛虫attack它时,它就会produce special chemical来保护自己,但是呢这要通过couple weeks 才能生效, 然后毛虫不吃它了,几个月之后,毛虫又来吃叶子了,这次Tobacoo就能快速的分泌这种chemical,所以就不会像次那样被吃掉那么多了.
第五题:讲那个男生找到了off campus的房子,但是地方很远,他要来学校只有两个选择,1,买车,他嫌贵,就算old card也是一笔不小的数目,他也还想攒钱看电影啊,听音乐会啊(和MM约会啊,just kidding!!).选择2, 坐公交呗,可是公交schedule很少,而且最早的车比她的课要早一个多小时,他到了学校太早没事做,然后问你的意见
第六题:老师介绍了successful people是怎样set up goals的, 说了他们的goal都有两个特点,specific and realistic, 然后分别举了两个例子, Specific: 就说如果一个人的目标是:我年底要买车,这个目标就不specific,但如果目标是,我要买什么型号的车,我的预算是多少钱,我该怎么买,我该怎么攒钱,这样就specific了. Realistic: 如果一个人的目标是,我今天晚上要看100页书,这就不显示,因为还有很多事情要做,但是目标定为一周看100也,这样就现实了,能够accomplish了
课程名称 | 上课地点 | 上课时间 | 查看课程 |
雅思预备VIP8人班 | 词汇量在3500左右英语基础较好,或雅思已考4分的学生 | / | 查看 |
托福预备VIP8人班 | 英语基础较好,词汇量在3500左右计划学习托福的学生 | / | 查看 |
SAT强化VIP8人班 | SAT已考1200分以上或同等水平学生 | / | 查看 |
TOEFL Junior VIP一对一 | 英语基础薄弱,词汇量在2000左右同等英语水平的学生。 | / | 查看 |
留学预备课程一级 | 没有英语基础或基础薄弱,需要学习英语 | / | 查看 |
基础英语VIP8人班 | 招生对象:英语基础薄弱,语法不系统,词汇量在2000左右的学生。 | / | 查看 |
外教口语俱乐部30次卡 | 需要提高口语的学生。 | / | 查看 |
AP微积分VIP一对一课程 | 需要学习AP微积分课程的同学。 | / | 查看 |
雅思一对一课程 | 申请出国留学,需要提高雅思成绩的学生 | / | 查看 |