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2014年07月18日 03:34
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    1.Describe how your study habits differ from others you know. (中预测。此题容易指数四颗星,在新航道的托福口语课堂上老师分类分析过很多次。)
    2.Do you prefer to shop in large grocery stores and department stores or small specific stores? (中预测。此题容易指数五颗星,在新航道的托福口语课堂上老师分类分析过此主题。)

    2014年场托福考试的口语题目内容上,均为经典旧题, 如果考生们在考前能扎实练习考试难度不大。2014年1月18日托福考试预测如下,当然温馨提醒考生们,善于运用预测,不过分依赖预测、模板,强化自己的口语表达基本功才是能让自己口语得高分的关键。



1.Do you prefer to finish your work long before the due date?
2.Do your prefer to focus on one thing at a time or work on several projects at the same time?
3.When do you prefer to work on your assignment, in the morning or in the evening?

4.If you volunteer in the community, which job would you do: recycle program, teach children to plant vegetable, teach children how to eat healthily.
5.Which food do you recommend the cafeteria to add to their menu?
6.Some people believe it is better for children to grow up in big cities. Others believe it is better for children to grow in small towns and rural areas. What is your opinion and why?

7.Describe a character in a book, movie, or poem.
8.Do you prefer to use email or telephone to communicate with your family?
9.What do you recommend the community or university to do to protect the environment?


10.Where do you prefer to go shopping?
11.Describe a job or career that you admire but do not want to take?
12.If a foreign tourist visits your city, where would you take this tourist? A factory, a university or a museum? Please include specific details and examples to support your explanation.


13.What are the advantages and disadvantages of children playing video games?
14.Do you prefer to take classes with a large amount of students or smaller classes? Why?
15.Some people prefer to watch entertainment TV programs while others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer? Why?


16.Describe on positive experience and the result.
17.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? College education should only be available to people who have done well in secondary school.
18.Do you think learning events take place in the past or present is more important?

19.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: government should spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle?
20.Which one of the following characteristics does your friends like you most: cheerfulness, kindness or intelligently. Choose one of the three. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
21.Your friend wants to drive away the fear when speak in front of groups of people, what suggestion you would give her?


22.Describe your favorite movie star or singer.
23.Describe a toy and a game special in childhood?
24.Would u like to study with teachers who have more experiences or just begin to teach.


25.Describe a news or a story that you are interested in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting. Include reasons and details in your response.
26.Some students prefer to take an essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions. Which type of exam questions do you prefer?
27.Describe a time you are trying to do something that you have never do.


28.Some people prefer to read instructions before new a new product; some people prefer to find out how to use themselves. What is your opinion.
29.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are old enough to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
30.Talk your family member which has similar traits as you. Describe that trait.

31.Decide: Big and new place but far from your workplace and/or university small and old place but near your workplace and/or university
32.In your opinion, what is the most important invention in your life? Computer, television or telephone? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer.
33.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important lessons cannot be learned in classrooms. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

34.Describe an event happened in the history, tell why you want to learn more about the event.
35.Some people think in the future students will have classes on the internet instead of in building, but some thinks students will still have class in building. What do you think?
36.Describe an activity that you enjoyed doing together with your family in your childhood. Explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family. Please include reasons and details in your response.

37.Describe a good study habit you have that is different from other students. Explain why this habit helps you? Include specific reasons and examples in your response.
38.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing computer games on video games is a waste of teenagers' time. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
39.What suggestion would you like to give to a child who is starting school for the first time. Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this suggestion is important.

40.Would u like to study with teachers who have more experiences or just begin to teach.
41.What food do you suggest university cafeteria should add to attract more people?
42.Do you like to buy new books or used books?

43.Do you agree or disagree the university's decision to allow food during the class.
44.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are old enough to do so. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
45.In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good school? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

46.Do you think learning events take place in the past or present is more important.
47.What do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues, or flexible time?
48.Your friend wants to drive away the fear when speak in front of groups of people, what suggestion you would give her?

49.Do you prefer to have fast food in the fast-food restaurant?
50.Among the following three professions, which do you think make the biggest contribution to society? Teachers、farmers or doctors.



    Task 3:阅读讲的是有人写信给学校,要求把期末的1天的复习之类的活动延长至3天。 男生问女生:你有什么看法。女生说:不太好。,学习应该是一个持久而长期的过程,不是在最后期末时来一蹴而就的。第二:professors到期末都很忙,学生也不好make a appointment with them。

    Task 4:经阅读讲植物root systems在 desert里对水的吸收情况。 lecture说,一种cerstore(拼写不确定)plant,在desert里有space far away from other plants.因为:它的root system can get access to the water to survive.第二:它的根会release chemical, 当其他植物接触到它的chemical时,会导致停止生长,所以其他植物会move away。因此它能获得大量的水源。 

    Task5:有个guest speaker在学校里有个lecture,讲journal的。女生想去听,但是不行,因为::她有图书馆的part-time job。虽然boss might be easy,但是她上周才stop,所以不好这么频繁的请加。第二:她可以事后借video tape来看,但是缺点在于不能与speaker直接沟通问问题。

    Task 6:商业的business strategy of second interest。两种方法:提供给买电脑的顾客free video games, 因此当顾客不清楚是否要购买电脑时,video games 可以促使他们购买。第二:提供free computer lesson。可以maintain顾客,获得及时的反馈。


    Task 3:【学校通知】:announcement学校计划要搞library expansion:把图书馆旁边的student center改造成new library,从而increase library space。好处1、有更多的空间摆放更多书shelves、存放更多媒体materials。好处2、摆放更多桌椅,让学生有更多地方自习。

    【学生态度】:男生反对。理由1、学校应该用technology手段而非扩建图书馆以节省space,比如将资料扫描成electronic copy储存到电脑里可以节省空间。理由2、同学们爱去student center自习,不爱去图书馆。学校减小学生中心只能导致学生自习空间更少。

    Task 4:【名词解释】:friend affiliation(群体归属)refers to the people’s desire to be a member of a certain group。广告商make advisement by using people’s affiliation有两种方法:一是利用其positive effect,通过宣扬广告产品可以增加affiliation,在朋友之间寻求认同。二是利用其negative方法,如果用别的brand产品就会失去affiliation。

    【教授举例】:为一个软饮料公司策划一个ad campaign,可有两种方案:种方案:在一个happy party里,everybody都drink the same kind of新brand的soda,都很happy。The soda becomes a very important thing in this situation。第二种方案:some young people are watching a football game in a stadium,突然 one of them drink a wrong brand of soda,then all the people become quite and 用奇怪的眼神look at him,and leave him alone,even his best friend left him。Then he realized he made a big mistake to drink the wrong kind soda。这是从negative入手让观众喜欢这个牌子的soda。问教授是怎么说明reading passage中的观点的。


    回忆2:两个人对话,男的课外做一些newspaper的事,怕自己和下学期major course不能做好,想辞掉工作又觉得可惜,女的建议可以把课放到假期,男的假期和朋友约好旅行特别想去,结果记不太清了报纸的

    Task6:【讲课要点】:social cooperation among animals benefits the whole group。举了两个例子:例子1、如果一只鹿自己吃feeding alone,在吃的同时必须警惕alert狼和熊等天敌predator的攻击。吃的时候不能专心,效率低、吃得少。然而,一群deers成群in a group吃东西,比一只鹿自己吃更好。集体有所分工,一些鹿轮流take turn站岗放哨,防卫predator。另一些就能安心well进食,高效地吃more efficiently。例子2、一个蜜蜂honey bee回到蜂巢hive通过跳一种特殊的舞special dance,如0字舞和8字舞,来分享share关于它找到的食物源food source的信息information(about where the food source is和距离(location and distance))。这样,整个蜂群都会收益the whole group will benefit from the bee。



    Task 3:jazz band 要在afternoon在校园的 lawn 开 concert , woman 不满意 因为1. 学生要学习, 会打扰, evening 更好 2. 很多人聚堆会踏坏草坪

    Task 4:为了确定 service 在 consumer 当中的印象, 用observation 而不是用普通的 ask questions,因为 questions让人觉得烦,会给negative answer,例子是一个museum 有3 parts 要知道 哪个 part 更 popular

    Task 5:男子的问题, summer job, 租了个房子, 但kitchen unavailable, 2 decisions:1. friend 有kitchen,一起用, 但是会inconvenient.2. 在 school cafeteria 买个 plan ,很便宜,但距离远

    Task 6:plant shed themselves 1. prevent damage 例子 marple tree 在冬天来临时掉叶子,要不snow和ice附在叶子上会压坏枝条,2. reserve nutrient 例子 avo什么 tree 结果子时会让一些果子提前掉下以获得足够营养让果子成熟



    Task 3:关于停车场不够要改造停车场。有人建议多建停车场, 对话里头女的不同意。因为1)图书馆和食堂边上都可以停,而且走两步没什么问题。2)校园绿化本来就不多,所以不可以把绿地改造成停车场。

    Task 4:讲demand shifting。Two strategies of demand shift reduce the peak-peak demanding; increase the poor-peak demanding.教授举例说他的一个在洛杉矶的朋友开了一家餐馆,这个餐馆在晚上7-9点之间,人声鼎沸,很少有位置。有些顾客愿意等位置,但很多人都不想等而是换其它地方吃饭。于是,教授的朋友就creat a new deal。对于7点之前吃饭的顾客就免费提供desert。于是有些原来七点后来的顾客为了得到免费甜品,就提早来,并且提前结束吃饭。这样餐馆比以前更加赚钱。

    Task 5:女的在小学当志愿者,和她的小学生们约好周末去野餐。但周末天气不好。 所以有两个选择改计划,但很麻烦,因为家长也要去。 2)改地点,去餐厅吃。但在室内吃饭没有在外面有趣。

    Task 6:讲群居动物都有两种表现:一种是凶猛的表现,此行为不会影响彼此,反而能保护彼此。比如两个猩猩一起看到一个食物,先看到的猩猩就会表现凶悍,这样后看到的猩猩就心领神会了,自然不会打架。 第二种是友好表现,如果两个猩猩真的打架之类的话,打完了猩猩就会互相拥抱,以表善意。



    Task3:art class of sculpture , the school is planning to downsize the class size from 30 to 15, due to two reasons, the first one is that too many students may not get the attention from teacher as when it was of a smaller size, and 交流is crucial to art class. the second reason is that it is too expensive to buy the materials for so many students.

    女生观点:完全不同意,sculpture is so important for students of arts that they would like to choose the class even if not paid so much attention from the teacher, the new regulation will 剥夺很多art student's privilege to choose the class they want. Secondly, the art students would pay for the materials themselves, just to get the chance to attend the class.

    Task4:advancing crediting:a method that teacher help children to learn social appropriate behavior。小孩对praise的不同反映,你要是事先表扬他们,再让他们做什么,他们就不太听话。你要是等做完事情后在表扬他们呢,他们就能够表现的好。Lecture:教育学的教授讲一组实验:研究人员到一个小学去,给孩子们发糖,看他们能不能keep classroom neat.次,把小朋友放一个房间里,给他们糖吃,看他们在老师不提醒的情况下有多少人把糖纸扔到地上,有多少人扔到垃圾桶里,大部分小孩子们都把糖纸扔地上DRORP ON THE GROUND,只有少数几个人扔到垃圾桶里。研究人员让老师一直表扬那些做的对的小朋友。还表扬那些表现好(behavior proper),保持环境的小朋友,说他们是干净的小孩。过了一段时间,再做这个试验,大部分小朋友就都把糖纸仍在垃圾桶里。


    Task6:动物欺骗捕食者predator以保护自己defense的两种方法behavior:举了一个动物(蛇),说是这个动物用2种方法:、1)fool predator。说是做出它们要反击的动作(bite),其实它们不是真的要bite, and move suddenly to scare the predator, predator就给吓跑了。2)misleading:装死,对吃活物捕食者百试不爽。翻白眼,张嘴巴,让捕食者以为它们死了。捕食者就走了,等捕食者走了,蛇再活过来。


    Task 3:【学校通知】:学校调整change住宿方案housing policy:大一新生和老生不再混寝mixed type dormitory。大一新生都将统一住在一个宿舍楼里。好处:1、可提供给新生更多互相交流的机会。2、可吸引更多学生报考这个学校。 【学生议论】:女生觉得没必要改。理由1、新生已经有很多机会互相交流了,比方说他们可以一起上课很多课attend the same lecture,没有必要搞到一起。理由2、新老生混住,新生new students可以从老生那里分享到经验experiences和建议advices。因此,新老生混住能吸引更多的学生。

    Task 4:【课文要点】:product positioning(产品定位)。文章介绍了商家promote宣传商品的一个途径:advertiser need to知道目标客户target customers最需要的what they exactly they need。 【教授举例】:教授举了一个例子。他曾worked in an advertisement agency as a consultant。为一个car business market一款专为在郊区生活的人设计的car。一开始销售状况不好。后来商家做研究。研究表明消费者最看gas mileage。Commuters(住在郊区要开车进城上班的群体)need cars which can save more gas。所以广告公司就这样设计广告:让一个人一路微笑地with a big smile on face开着这个牌子的车从suburban到city,驶过一个个加油站gas station旁呼啸而过。路过的每个station里都有很多人排队等待加油。广告末尾:your spend money on gas。这则广告说明开这种车很省油。结果,这种car成功地在两年里销量tripled了。

    Task 5:【学生困难】:女生导演的音乐剧将于明晚首演。票已卖光were sold out,但主唱leading singer临时得了重感冒caught a bad cold,喉咙不好,甚至不能讲话voice。故不能参加演出performance。要下周才能好。 【解决方案】:男生给女生方案1、找个新演员代替find a understudy to replace him。女生说那人刚开始学歌词lines,还没怎么练习过,没有充分准备,怕明晚的首演opening night太紧张nervous,把音乐剧搞砸了。女生自己说出方案2、把音乐剧推迟到下周末postpone to next weekend举行。给买了票的观众退票return money。让他们下次演出时买票。女生担心这样做会让观众失望disappointed。

    Task 6:【讲课要点】:教授讲可以研究动物化石animal fossil里的mineral proportion推测古代气候ancient climate。因为不同的气候会对形成化石的生物organisms产生不同影响。举例:shellfish的shell化石里的镁magnesium quantity随着海水温度temperature的变化而变化。magnesium含量level越高,temperature越高。magnesium含量level越低,temperature越低。所以,通过把古代化石里的magnesium含量和现在在同一个地方的shellfish壳里的含量加以比照,我们就可以推测古代海水是colder还是warmer了。


    Task 1:describe a toy and a game special in childhood? 反正就乱答了

    Task 2:would u like to study with teachers who have more experiences or just begin to teach. 就是问新老师好,还是经验多的好。当然选第二个容易点说。

    Task 4:生物的共生。讲了crab住在worm's tube for entire life。

    Task 5:女的电脑烂了。男的说,fix,但是不保证好。男的说买,女生觉得虽然马上可以用但比较贵,而且她想去加拿大旅行。买了就没有钱去旅行了

    Task 6:是生物的mimicry,说很多昆虫都有,mimicry能保护昆虫.例子一是一种苍蝇本身没有任何可以保护自己的武器,但是它的外表看上去很厉害,so the predator think it is dangerous.就不会吃它.例子二是一种蛾,it looks like the predator,所以predator看到它以为是同类也不会吃它.




    Task4:教育学:文章,logical consequence与inappropriate behavior之间的关系。就是说惩罚孩子要和为什么联系到一起,他才不会再犯。


    Task5:阅读说学校对theatre专业的有新要求take a trip off campus,看专业的product,要花35元。女的问男的态度,男的很欢迎,说对理解有帮助,花钱也不多,花3次的钱可以看一次免费的。

    Task6:【讲座内容】商务经济类,关于collect information for business marketing 的2 个方法,是quantity way,例子是,一个car manufacture, use 这个方法通过大量调查,发现没有孩子的客户购买量大,而有孩子的客户购买量小。第二个方法是opinion based 就是问卷调查之类的。之后该公司为了查明为什么有孩子的客户购买量小,就用该方法survey 问卷调查,发现是car 的back seat 有问题,孩子觉得不舒服。


    Task3:【公开信】:小报上刊登了来自一个学生的公开信,倡议大学应该to build an electronic board at student center。

    好处1、Make student get information about coming up events easily rather than acquiring news at different places on campus by posters


    【学生议论】: 女生反对这个计划,it is better to get news from different locations on campus。

    理由1、They are everywhere (more than one place). If they do not go to student center, they will miss the notice.举了她在图书馆看到海报,所以didn't miss a show / concert的例子。

    理由2、Even though the new bulletin board was established, students will still do posters because of it is convenient (没有人会提交information, 然后再等它post出来)。

    Task4:【课文要点】:Negative ideation: a method used by people to resist desires by adding something negative. 就是说通过联系不好的情况来resist坏东西,帮人解决坏习惯。

    【教授举例】: 教授举的他自己戒除巧克力的例子。教授loves chocolate bar because it is tasty, but chocolate is not good. So he used the method of negative ideation to refuse chocolate. 后来whenever he wanted to buy chocolate bar he would think it is associate with mud which is the mixture of dirt and water,来reduce the temptation,就戒了he stopped buying。

    Task5:【学生困难】:男生想弄个announcement on newspaper 让更多的人来参加阅读演出singing group. He did not submit the announcement for upcoming event this week to the school's newspaper before the deadline. He is worrying about there will not be many students come to see the performance.


    方案1、To postpone 延期到下周,但but it not easy to book the music hall where the performance will take place。

    方案2、To notice students by posters at different locations on campus since students are everywhere. 男生说考虑一下。

    Task6:【讲课要点】:Wetland's two benefits for animals.

    1). For nursery, sharks lay eggs in wetlands close to the ocean, because wetlands are shallow, there are not large predators, baby sharks can grow safely in the wetlands and survive in the ocean.

    2). For rest and find food. Immigrating birds, for example, paper, during the long journey of immigration, stop the wetlands to find the food because they can find similar food like before



    Task 3 【学校通知】:announcement学校计划要搞library expansion:把图书馆旁边的student center改造成new library,从而increase library space。好处1、有更多的空间摆放更多书shelves、存放更多媒体materials。好处2、摆放更多桌椅,让学生有更多地方自习。 【学生态度】:男生反对。理由1、学校应该用technology手段而非扩建图书馆以节省space,比如将资料扫描成electronic copy储存到电脑里可以节省空间。理由2、同学们爱去student center自习,不爱去图书馆。学校减小学生中心只能导致学生自习空间更少。

    Task 4 【名词解释】:friend affiliation(群体归属)refers to the people’s desire to be a member of a certain group。广告商make advisement by using people’s affiliation有两种方法:一是利用其positive effect,通过宣扬广告产品可以增加affiliation,在朋友之间寻求认同。二是利用其negative方法,如果用别的brand产品就会失去affiliation。 【教授举例】:为一个软饮料公司策划一个ad campaign,可有两种方案:种方案:在一个happy party里,everybody都drink the same kind of新brand的soda,都很happy。The soda becomes a very important thing in this situation。第二种方案:some young people are watching a football game in a stadium,突然 one of them drink a wrong brand of soda,then all the people become quite and 用奇怪的眼神look at him,and leave him alone,even his best friend left him。Then he realized he made a big mistake to drink the wrong kind soda。这是从negative入手让观众喜欢这个牌子的soda。问教授是怎么说明reading passage中的观点的。

    Task 6 【讲课要点】:social cooperation among animals benefits the whole group。举了两个例子:例子1、如果一只鹿自己吃feeding alone,在吃的同时必须警惕alert狼和熊等天敌predator的攻击。吃的时候不能专心,效率低、吃得少。然而,一群deers成群in a group吃东西,比一只鹿自己吃更好。集体有所分工,一些鹿轮流take turn站岗放哨,防卫predator。另一些就能安心well进食,高效地吃more efficiently。例子2、一个蜜蜂honey bee回到蜂巢hive通过跳一种特殊的舞special dance,如0字舞和8字舞,来分享share关于它找到的食物源food source的信息information(about where the food source is和距离(location and distance))。这样,整个蜂群都会收益the whole group will benefit from the bee


    Task 3 Reading: One student want to limit the printing paper in computer center 1.waste paper and 2.machine like to break down Girl doesn't agree: 1) priting paper is part of practice and doing research, because didn't know those material can be used or not, not waste. 2) Machine would break down not because of printing so much paper. It breaks down because it's old.

    Task 4 Advance XXXX...就是说老师鼓励学生以后,即使不需要明确教导,同学也会照作。 教授举例,老师让同学在教室吃糖果,然后计算同学在地上留下多少糖果纸。然后对同学说教授很干净,值得鼓励。两星期后,再给同学吃一次糖果,这次同学都会把糖 果纸丢到垃圾桶。

    Task 5 女生急着从图书馆赶到校园另一端的教室,十分钟后有oral presentation,但是外面 在下雨,他没有雨伞。男生给他两个选择 1)借男生的雨伞,但是伞在楼上,一来一会可能会迟到 2)直接跑过去,会准时到,但是在做presentation时全身都是湿的,会很不礼貌。

    Task 6 动物的防御机制(避免被吃):用一种蛇作举例 1)假装自己很危险,蛇使自己的身体膨胀,体积变大,恐吓,但是因为嘴巴必须闭紧 牙齿不会外露。 2)装死,会平躺在地上几分钟假装自己死亡,等猎食者过了再起来。


    Task3:关于学校stop serving junk food in dining hall,男生不同意。一:这是没有必要的。学生已经很健康了,学习完以后吃点零食是挺好的,尤其是finishing paper以后,女生说对啊,比如icecream什么的。二:就算我们不在学校买也会到校外的store去买,而且更贵,根本就不省钱

     Task4:alarm cells(后面这个词不确定),就是讲动物可以发出一种signal让它的同伴意识到危险,但是有时这些alarm is deceptive。 教授举例,说科学家做了一个实验,研究一种monkey who search food together and share with each other. 当它们遇到predator(一个比较奇怪的名字),它们会怎么叫(楼主没听清楚或者是英语单词有限)让每个同伴都听到,大家就躲起来。但是有一次,科学家观察到一群monkey找到了Foods and 准备要eat 了,突然一只猴子叫了起来,其他所有的同伴都逃跑躲在树后面。过了一会他们出来后,才发现那只叫的猴子Sit alone and eat all the food.

    Task5:男的有问题了。他必须写一个4页的Paper 明早交,他发现了一本有用的书在图书馆。(看着句式多美式)然他跑出去跟朋友玩,回来晚了发现星期天图书馆没有开门借不到书。他给自己想了两个办法。 一是换另一Topic/poe 二是明天早上早点起来去图书馆借书再写,几个小时就搞定了。

    Task 6:讲Marketing有关的,说services是现代营销的一个重要的东西,然后讲怎么让消费者相信他们的Service是好的呢?教授举例她的一个朋友,是一个Painter 专门刷House的。但是很少人知道她,因为她以前不做这个。然后她的朋友就让一些消费者写有关于她的作品的评论,吸引了很多人过来。另外一种策略是,她的朋友把以前做过的Work拍照 take photograph,一些Potential customers也对她的工作产生了兴趣。


    Task3:Coffee shop on campus plan to have live music performed by students on Friday night started next month; the store manager believed that student will largely participate in both performance and attendence for the concert. The female student would like to participate playing guitar and singing. This kind of live music in this area cost a lot; compared to that, the coffee shop provids affordable live music experience.

    Task4:讲植物的防御的两个process。 professor举得例子一种树~砍掉它的branch~会分泌chemical 然后第二部这个chemical也会作为信号让别的植物(还是植物的其他部分)也知道受到危险然后一起分泌化学物质……类似


    Task6:商品的价格对供求关系的影响,两个例子一个是soft drink, 降价了于是卖的好啦。因为消费者会觉得便宜了呢。然后computer降价了反而卖得不好,因为消费者觉得便宜没好货。



    女生说这个提议太弱了因为好多同学晚上木时间,人家有打工还有其他活动啊。还有早上篮球队等太久是因为有人总霸占器械太久,应该搞个time limit制度。

    Task4:一种environment disturbance 是一种因自然原因或人为活动对植物生长的干扰。叫兽举了个栗子, 一块地有一种blue grass 长得太多太密集了把阳光都挡住了, 其他植物无法在此生存。 然后放牛的人来了,牛把这些草啃掉好多,这样有空间又有阳光, 小野花也能在这长了,不仅仅是blue grass一种。

    Task 5:一个男仔对一个妹子说今晚是学校演出最后一晚了你不去咩? 妹子说票搞得到但是今晚她应该在实验室shelve books 干几个小时肿么办? 1. 她可以第二天早上早起去图书馆把昨晚活干了。但是要6点起,参加演出和派对太累了。 2. 她可以拜托其他人替她把工作做了,只要罩得住别让她因为缺席而扣工资。

    Task 6:教授说有好多市场营销策略。一种是让product tested, 就是让商品在严酷环境下使用让消费者觉得这东西质量太赞了。 例子是把手提箱在雨里淋着,之后外面全湿了,打开一看里面的东西都是干的,太神奇了! 还有一种是before and after demonstration, 就是有个problem解决不了用了产品就解决了哟。 例子是一个小正太的t shirt 脏得不行了,什么吃的泥点子全有,用了soap 洗了以后,跟新的一样哟。



    Task 3:政策是学校在期末期间将延长cafeteria营业时间.结果那男的竟然同意!!我是按照不同意打的草稿,杯具.还好改起来也容易.男的说好,一是因为学生都在复习没精力煮饭,又不能老是简单对付,所以有吃的买当然好.二是以前晚上想和同学小组讨论一起复习都没地方,只好去学校外面找地方,现在可以去cafeteria.


    教授说,seal。他们很容易找到食物,因为海里有很多鱼。他们不用花太多时间和精力找吃的。但是他们要花很多精力和时间来找location。一是吸引异性,繁殖,二是要占领一个领域,赶走其他的seal。三是要保护他领地的其他male seal

    Task 5:那男生的问题是他的心理课有小组讨论,他的小组的习惯是每周到一个组员家里,那个组员煮饭给大家吃,然后一起讨论.这周轮到他但是他忘了,现在已经来不及煮饭了.两个解决方案一是买餐厅的外卖带回家,但那男的又说这样贵,自己前段时间已经花了很多钱了.二是打电话给大家叫他们晚点来,自己赶快回家弄点简单的东西,又怕大家等的饿,还会影响饭后的讨论.

    Task 6:是生物的mimicry,说很多昆虫都有,mimicry能保护昆虫.例子一是一种苍蝇本身没有任何可以保护自己的武器,但是它的外表看上去很厉害,so the predator think it is dangerous.就不会吃它.例子二是一种蛾,it looks like the predator,所以predator看到它以为是同类也不会吃它.


    Task 3:好像是每个月组织个活动,提供早餐并且有教授讲话。两个学生很支持

    Task 4:大概是passive blabla的一个概念,就是提前想好会发生的坏事,然后做好准备。例子是教授跟一个人一起去纽约开会,然后托运的行李没到,他的那个同事把要用衣服和重要的文件都放到随身的行李箱了,因为他提前都预料到了各种可能会发生的情况……

    Task 5:大概是一个教授因为family emergency不能如期给一个classic movie神马的做讲话,两个方案是推迟放映VS那个男学生自己讲(貌似他in charge of the club)

    Task 6:讲的是trading bird(貌似是这么发音的,记不清了。。。)对环境的adaptation. 一个是进化了可以分辨食物的beak,一个是可以防止陷下去的special feet



    Task4: 【名词解释】dormancy这一概念,阅读材料讲到冬眠的涵义:帮助渡过恶劣环境;降低自身生理能耗。【讲座内容】听力材料里professor讲述了一个肺鱼的例子:在河水干涸之后鱼就躲在河床上之前就打好的洞里,这样一方面可以隔热、保湿,另一方面可以降低呼吸、心跳频率。




    Task3:【学生建议】学生写信建议让学生带laptop computer,因为大家打字都很快了,所以方便记笔记,这样就更能够好好的听教授的lectures。其次,教授可以让学生上网,浏览更多的信息像图片。【学生态度】不同意(1).有少部分会用电脑记笔记,但大部分都用来play for fun, check email, surf internet什么的了;(2).有部分学生是没有电脑的,因此教授只能直到有电脑的学生用Internet tool.

    Task4:The professor talks about egocentric thinking in children, which means that children think other people will see or understand the world in the same way like them. e.g.A child was lead in a room with a small house in it.The child was standing in front of the house, which has a red door.The researcher went to the other side of the house.When he asked the child :" what am I watching?", the child answered:" A red door." which was exactly the thing that child was watching

    Task 5:Listening: The man has a problem. This year is his calculus prof.'s first teaching. He isn't used to his way of explaining... The prof. teaches too fast, he gets confused. Two solutions: 1. He says he can switch to another calculus section, but has to take it in the evening when he wants to do homework or hang out with friends. 2. He also says he can organize a study group to discuss what they learnt after class. But it'll cost extra time.

    Task6:【讲座主题】mechanism that animal use to survive from water current.

    【相关例子】one is attainment, black fly larva. the second is thick body, sculpin.

    补充:两种动物,black fly larva和splince(音译)为什么可以在激流中保持不动,那个larva好象是因为hand&hook,所以可以touch the bottom of river.第二个好像身体里有一个borrower(音译),可以让他在水中保持不动,不好意思


    Task 3:【学校通知】:announcement学校计划要搞library expansion:把图书馆旁边的student center改造成new library,从而increase library space。好处1、有更多的空间摆放更多书shelves、存放更多媒体materials。好处2、摆放更多桌椅,让学生有更多地方自习。

    【学生态度】:男生反对。理由1、学校应该用technology手段而非扩建图书馆以节省space,比如将资料扫描成electronic copy储存到电脑里可以节省空间。理由2、同学们爱去student center自习,不爱去图书馆。学校减小学生中心只能导致学生自习空间更少。

    Task 4:【名词解释】:friend affiliation(群体归属)refers to the people’s desire to be a member of a certain group。广告商make advisement by using people’s affiliation有两种方法:一是利用其positive effect,通过宣扬广告产品可以增加affiliation,在朋友之间寻求认同。二是利用其negative方法,如果用别的brand产品就会失去affiliation。

    【教授举例】:为一个软饮料公司策划一个ad campaign,可有两种方案:种方案:在一个happy party里,everybody都drink the same kind of新brand的soda,都很happy。The soda becomes a very important thing in this situation。第二种方案:some young people are watching a football game in a stadium,突然 one of them drink a wrong brand of soda,then all the people become quite and 用奇怪的眼神look at him,and leave him alone,even his best friend left him。Then he realized he made a big mistake to drink the wrong kind soda。这是从negative入手让观众喜欢这个牌子的soda。问教授是怎么说明reading passage中的观点的。


    回忆2:两个人对话,男的课外做一些newspaper的事,怕自己和下学期major course不能做好,想辞掉工作又觉得可惜,女的建议可以把课放到假期,男的假期和朋友约好旅行特别想去,结果记不太清了报纸的

    Task6:【讲课要点】:social cooperation among animals benefits the whole group。举了两个例子:例子1、如果一只鹿自己吃feeding alone,在吃的同时必须警惕alert狼和熊等天敌predator的攻击。吃的时候不能专心,效率低、吃得少。然而,一群deers成群in a group吃东西,比一只鹿自己吃更好。集体有所分工,一些鹿轮流take turn站岗放哨,防卫predator。另一些就能安心well进食,高效地吃more efficiently。例子2、一个蜜蜂honey bee回到蜂巢hive通过跳一种特殊的舞special dance,如0字舞和8字舞,来分享share关于它找到的食物源food source的信息information(about where the food source is和距离(location and distance))。这样,整个蜂群都会收益the whole group will benefit from the bee。


    Task 3:阅读讲的是有人写信给学校,要求把期末的1天的复习之类的活动延长至3天。 男生问女生:你有什么看法。女生说:不太好。,学习应该是一个持久而长期的过程,不是在最后期末时来一蹴而就的。第二:professors到期末都很忙,学生也不好make a appointment with them。

    Task 4:经阅读讲植物root systems在 desert里对水的吸收情况。 lecture说,一种cerstore(拼写不确定)plant,在desert里有space far away from other plants.因为:它的root system can get access to the water to survive.第二:它的根会release chemical, 当其他植物接触到它的chemical时,会导致停止生长,所以其他植物会move away。因此它能获得大量的水源。 

    Task5:有个guest speaker在学校里有个lecture,讲journal的。女生想去听,但是不行,因为::她有图书馆的part-time job。虽然boss might be easy,但是她上周才stop,所以不好这么频繁的请加。第二:她可以事后借video tape来看,但是缺点在于不能与speaker直接沟通问问题。

    Task 6:商业的business strategy of second interest。两种方法:提供给买电脑的顾客free video games, 因此当顾客不清楚是否要购买电脑时,video games 可以促使他们购买。第二:提供free computer lesson。可以maintain顾客,获得及时的反馈。
























课程名称 上课地点 上课时间 查看课程
雅思预备VIP8人班 词汇量在3500左右英语基础较好,或雅思已考4分的学生 / 查看
托福预备VIP8人班 英语基础较好,词汇量在3500左右计划学习托福的学生 / 查看
SAT强化VIP8人班 SAT已考1200分以上或同等水平学生 / 查看
TOEFL Junior VIP一对一 英语基础薄弱,词汇量在2000左右同等英语水平的学生。 / 查看
留学预备课程一级 没有英语基础或基础薄弱,需要学习英语 / 查看
基础英语VIP8人班 招生对象:英语基础薄弱,语法不系统,词汇量在2000左右的学生。 / 查看
外教口语俱乐部30次卡 需要提高口语的学生。 / 查看
AP微积分VIP一对一课程 需要学习AP微积分课程的同学。 / 查看
雅思一对一课程 申请出国留学,需要提高雅思成绩的学生 / 查看


  • 雅思预备VIP8人班报名
  • 托福预备VIP8人班报名
  • TOEFL Junior VIP一对一报名
  • 留学预备课程一级报名
  • 基础英语VIP8人班报名
  • 外教口语俱乐部30次卡报名
  • AP微积分VIP一对一课程报名




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