【本文为长沙新航道学校于长沙雅思考场现场整理的雅思考试回忆文件。学生可关注长沙新航道官方网站https://cs.xhd.cn/,雅思预测、托福预测栏目将及时更新;或关注新浪微博@长沙新航道,腾讯微信关注@新航道(ID: xhdchangsha)。】
1. sports
2. success of your friends
3. game played in childhood
4. suggestion of friends or family members
5. school friends
6. celebrations
7. things you forgot to do
9. old people
10. a foreign celebrity
11. a beautiful city you would like to live in as home
12. a wise person
13. how to help your fellow-townsmen
14. a thing that you bought but donnt use frequently
15. a travel which is far away from your home
16:budget (how to fund and use money)
17: photos of youself taken by others
18:an equipment out of work
19:a movie you dislike
20:introduce a family member
21:a wildlife animal