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2015年01月28日 04:46
供稿单位:长沙新航道   原创作者:长沙新航道托福教研组   责编:[freemarker标签异常,请联系网站管理员]  浏览 0



【本文为长沙新航道学校托福教研组整理的托福考试预测文件,学生可关注长沙新航道官方网站,托福预测、雅思预测栏目将及时更新;或关注新浪微博@长沙新航道,腾讯微信关注@新航道(ID: xhdchangsha)。】








本场托福考试的口语考题为旧题拼盘, 难度不大,如果考生们在考前能扎实练习考试难度不大。2015年1月31日和2月1日托福考试预测如下,当然温馨提醒考生们,善于运用预测,不过分依赖预测、模板,强化自己的口语表达基本功才是能让自己口语得高分的关键。



1.         One of your friends has a bad diet habit. What advices would you like to give this friend and why?

2.         If your friend wants to make a big purchase without having enough money, what can he do to get enough money?

3.         Nowadays, air pollution is a huge problem in many places. How to reduce air pollution and why?

4.         Talk about a place where you enjoy studying and explain why you like it?

5.         A friend of yours would like to drop out of college. What advices would you give to him and why?

6.         Some people think that students should study in the classroom, while others believe that they should visit the museum or zoo to study. which do you prefer?

7.         Some people like to have a tight schedule while others prefer to have a lot of free time. Which do you prefer?

8.         Some people prefer to live in a modern building while others prefer to live in an old-fashioned one. Which do you prefer and why?

9.         Some people prefer to engage in a variety of different tasks everyday while others prefer to follow the routine and engage in predictable tasks. Which do you prefer and why?

10.     Some people think that innate talent is important for a musician or artist. Others believe that hard work is more important. How do you think and why?

11.     Describe a present you have given to others.

12.     What quality do you think is the most important for a good teacher?

13.     Which is the most important quality for university students? Hardworking, intelligence or highly-motivated?

14.     Which of the following do you think the most important for maintaining good health? Doing exercise, eating healthy food, or going to bed early?


16.     Do you agree or disagree: artists and musicians are important to our society?

17.     What type of music do you enjoy the most?

18.     University students often feel homesick when they are away from home. What do you often do to deal with homesickness?

19.     Some people prefer to collect old things like newspaper. Others prefer to throw them away after they ace used them. Which do you prefer and why?

20.     Describe a good study habit that is different from other students.

21.     Do you prefer to shop in large grocery department stores or small specialized shops?

22.     How to overcome fear of public speaking?

23.     How to solve the traffic problems?

24.     Describe a time when you learned a new subject.

25.     What are some advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to watch TV in dormitories?

26.     What are some suggestions for your friend in terms of preparing for a presentation?

27.     Which technology has the greatest impact on people’s life? Airplane, computer, or television.

28.     Agree or disagree: Nowadays, young people are more informed about the world events than their parents were before.

29.     Some people think that employees should wear formal clothes to work. Others think they should wear casual clothes. Which do you think is better?

30.     Do you prefer to make friends who share the same interests or friends with different interests?

31.     Some people think children should grow up in big cities. Others believe that it is better for children to grow up in small towns. Which do you think is better?

32.     Some people prefer to go to the same place for a vacation. Others prefer to go to different places and spend less time at each place. Which do you prefer?

33.     What do you think is the most significant benefit that internet brings to our life? Explain why you think this benefit is important. Please include reasons and details to support your response.

34.     Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people live healthier lives now than they did 100 years ago? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

35.     Talk about an important decision that you have made. Explain why this decision was important for you in details.

36.     Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it's important for students to study Art and Music in school. Explain your answer in details.

37.     Describe a person you want to learn more about, explain why you want to know more about this person in details.

38.     Do you agree or disagree with the statement that all children under the age of 16 should attend school. Explain you answer in details.

39.     Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child, explain you answer in details.

40.     While traveling, some people prefer to go to new places; others prefer to visit familiar places. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

41.     Talk about an activity you would like to participate in the near future, explain your answer in details.

42.     Agree or disagree: it is better to be a member of a team than to be a leader of a team.

43.     What type of music do you like? Explain why.

44.     Some people prefer to write journals and take photos when they travel. Others don’t. Which do you prefer?

45.     Some people prefer to read paper book. Some people prefer to read electronic books on their reading devices. Which do you prefer?

46.     Some people prefer to solve a challenge by themselves; and others prefer to depend on other’s help. Which do you prefer?

47.     What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to eat in class?

48.     Describe a job or career that you admire but do not want to take.

49.     College students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories.

50.     Describe a time when you learned a new subject and illustrate the steps.




Task 3:

Reading—Announcement: the school is planning to prohibit students ride bicycles on campus because there could be accidents. Instead, the school would provide free bus service.

Listening—Attitude: 女生反对

Listening—Reason 1: 事故都是晚上发生的,白天很安全

Listening—Reason 2: Bus一小时才来一班,太浪费时间


Task 4:

Reading—Test Customer: in order to see whether employee’s performance, the employer might hire a ‘customer’ that makes purchases in the store just like regular customers do, then the hired ‘customer’ reports to the employer about the employee’s performance.

Listening—一个餐厅的 manager 找一个人当 test customer,来测试员工的服务是否到



Task 5:

Problem: The woman is attending a play, but she’s busy with her school work, so she’s afraid that attending the play might influence her academic performance.

Solution 1: Quit the play

Comment: she’s majoring in theater, and she is not attending the play just for fun, it’s beneficial for her career

Solution 2: Drop some of the required classes, take them next semester

Comment: she has to start over on these classes; it’s a lot of trouble.


Task 6:


观点 1:从 low angle 拍显得比较 powerful

例子 1:电影 Queen of England 中的 queen 就采用 low angle 拍摄

观点 2:从 high angle 拍显得角色比较 powerless

例子 2:拍一个沙漠中的男人,如果俯拍就显得他 hopeless



Task 3:


School will remove the posters on the concrete wall outside the student center.

First it can improve the appearance. second,posters can be put in the dining hall on the bulletin board.



first,the concrete wall would be boring without the changing posters. Different posters can show different personalities.

second,not everybody eating in the dining hall. Students may choose to eat in the snack bar or on the street. So posters in the dining hall will not be noticed by them.


Task 4:

Reading—Coloration warning: Animals have special color or other features that surprise/startle the predators, so the next time when predators see them, they wouldn’t come close.

Listening—Skunk【臭 鼬】 The predator of skunk is wolf. When wolves approach, they would emit a unique scent to drive the wolves away. Skunk has bold black and white coloration which makes their appearance memorable. So the next time when wolves see skunk, they know to stay away in order to avoid being sprayed by the scent.


Task 5:


the man has a conflict:He wants to attend a film discussion meeting tomorrow but he also has to dine with his cousin tomorrow.

two choices:

1. The woman dines with cousin for the man

advantage:Cousin will know more people

disadvantage:the cousin is shy,dining with the woman may be uncomfortable.

2. The man will not attend the meeting.

disadvantage:The film discussion meeting is really interesting.


Task 6:


观点 1:我们在之前对它们有所了解

例子 1:没了解过音乐的人参加 classical music concert,一年之后就不会对这个 concert

有很多记忆;但是学习过音乐的人却可以记住其中的 details

观点 2:对特殊的人或事能记得更清楚

例子 2:在大教室中上课,人们更容易记住特别的人,比如 tallboy/intelligent girl





【Proposal】Students should be allowed to use cell phones in the library.


1. Students can talk with a lower voice and whisper.

2. Occasionally, students need to make emergency calls.


The girl disagrees. It doesn’t work.


1. The library should be quiet. If students talk with a lower voice or whisper, they cannot be heard, so they would have to talk loudly and make noise, which will cause the distractions to other students.

2. If students get emergency calls, they can go out to check messages. Normally, urgent calls will be delivered by messages.


Task 4:

Convergent evolution the process in which unrelated animals developed similar traits. Example used was the aardvark, a pig like animal, and echidna, a small animal in Africa. Both animals eat the same insects that live in complexly mud holes. Both developed long sticky tongues that can be used to eat the insect.


Task 5:

【Problem】 The man in the conversation attends a club and they would like to travel to France, but he doesn’t have enough money to pay for the plane ticket.


1. He can work extra ten hours every day at the restaurant.

2. He can sell his guitar to pay for the ticket. He hasn’t been using his guitar for a long time.


Task 6:

Product repackaging: two conditions companies would do so the first condition is in response to new technology or material available for packaging the example used was milk bottles from glass to plastic more durable and cheap. Second condition is in response to competition from competitors. Example used was milk again. Its competitors selling juices n tea started to sell in smaller n more portable sizes it changed its products into smaller and more portable sizes to respond to competitor market change.



Task 3:

Topic sentence:

The University is planning to install computers in every dorm building and woman in the conversation supports this plan.


First, the university believes that with computers available in every dorm building, students will be able to receive and send their assignments or emails to their professors more efficiently. But there’s a rule that each student could only use computers no more than 10mints, when someone else is waiting.


The woman totally agrees with this plan because firstly, sometimes she forgets to check directions online when she has already went out the dorm. So if there is a computer in the lobby, she doesn’t have to go back to the fourth floor. Secondly, limiting the using time will prevent students from typing their essays and occupying these computers for a long time.


Task 4:

Learn transfer

阅读部分:学习过程中,以前学习的东西对后来学习的东西的作用,分两种: a. Negative transfer. b. Positive transfer.

教授分别举例,Positive transfer. 举了教授自己的例子。小时候学习钢琴,不看琴键, 只看乐谱。后来到高中学习打字,只看屏幕,不看键盘。很 Helpful。 听力部分: Negative transfer 举了教授朋友的例子。以前是舞台剧演员,习惯了大声念台词,后来做 movie actor,不需要大声了,但还总是大声。此为 negative transfer.


Task 5:

Topic sentence

The woman and her club members were planning to go on an outdoor activity but that place was shut down at the last minute due to some emergencies and they already paid the bus fees which are non-refundable.

In order to solve this problem, they have two solutions: they can either arrange the trip to the waterfalls or to the science museum instead.


If I were her, I would choose the second solutions for two reasons. First, most of the members have already been to the waterfall, so it might be less interesting If they go there again.

What’s more, planning a new trip to the science museum will make people feel excited because the exhibitions there are frequently updated.


Task 6:

Loon birds have two types of feather to protect them in the cold water, they are water birds live in cold climate in north America, 1st, counterfeit (伪造的东西), feather which is the outer layer of the birds’ body. This type of feather keeps the birds dry, it is packed tightly and oily which keep the water going into the body. 2nd type is down feather, which keeps the bird warm. It is dense and thick and is making of soft fluffy material. So it prevents the heat loosing for the body.



Task 3:

【个人倡议】一学生建议关闭coffee house. 因为这个地方很少有人来不是一个聚会的好地方并且灯光很差不适宜学习。

【学生态度】女生和男生讨论反对这建议:理由 1:很多学生白天有课,但晚上有时间经常在coffee house 聚会, hang out or do some reading.理由 2:after renovation, 这个地方灯光变好,每张桌子上灯光很足。


Task 4:

【名词解释】记忆心理学。轨迹法(method of loci)。借助轨迹法按顺序 image 记忆东西的方法。选的东西要vivid,更好记。

【教授举例】:教授举了个记 names of planets 的例子。记 names of planets 时可把每一个行星的名字当作一个去 student center 路上的标志去记忆:比如你要 from your dorm to student center. The first thing you see is the front door, then the tree, then the status in front of library then the building。再一一对应,比如 to memorize names of planets in solar system, make Mercury as front door, Venus as tree etc.。当考试时你就 do the same thing,用这些door, tree 帮助自己回忆起 names。


Task 5:

【学生问题】女生的问题是:要做一个 project about film class,今天要拍但是有雨,而且还有两天截至日期.


1)可以转向 building 用这里的 scenes。

2)可能明天拍,因为明天 weather becoming better, 但是问题是明天她需要编 辑,并要完成这个project, 没有时间。


Task 6:

【讲课要点】:biology class。深海鱼类 fish can make electric current and they can

benefit from it in 2 ways: 用途1 用电 流 capture 小鱼,从而获得 food。举例:eel can produce strong currency to shock and paralyze small fish, and then eat it。 用途2 用电流自卫、逃避危险。举例:一种叫做 knife fish 的鱼。这种鱼利用其身体产生的electric current field 去 explore the dark environment。If there is a rock nearby the it, the current field will change. So the knife fish can sense it and avoiding crashing into the rock。



Task 3:

Newspaper to Post Off campus Job Opportunities

The newspaper will feature a job listing of local off-campus businesses

1 student complain about shortage of jobs

2 help student find jobs related to their majors

She agrees.

1. When she was freshman she went to many places like a bookstore to apply for a job. She didn’t get one. The offers given by the university are taken too fast. It is very frustrating. As a freshman, she was not familiar with the area. She did not know where to go to find a job

2 Her friend who majors in law wants to know how a lawyer works. But she works in a bookstore which is not beneficial for her career in the long term. If she can find a job as a lawyer, she will have sth good on her resume.


Task 4:


例子:教授有个 A 牌相机,但不小心把变焦镜头摔坏了。后来在街上看到个价 格合理、各方面性能比 A 还好的 B 牌镜头,打算买,但结果发现没法安在自己的 A 牌相机上。所以教授只能花高价卖 A 牌特定的镜头。


Task 5:

Man’s problem: he has to go to his friend’s wedding ceremony tomorrow morning. He has no suit to wear

1st solution: borrow one from his cousin. But his cousin is shorter than him. The sleeves and pants of the suit will be short for him, which will make him look not good enough. His friend Suzy can help him sew the suit to make the sleeves and pants longer. But she is not a sewing expert. He has to leave campus in the early morning. He does not have enough time

2nd solution: buy one from a store. But he does not want to spend money on it. The suit will be expensive


Task 6:

植物学。植物有两种方法适应 harsh environment 具体的那个词忘记了,下面的例子也都说了具体名称,但是都是拟音的,所以忘记了。S1,针对 high wind,就长得矮一点,只高过地面几公分,避免 high-wind 的 damage。S2 针对 lack of water, 特殊的叶子可以减少蒸发,储存水分。



Task 3:

阅读说大一学生需要得到更多帮助,学校会把小组改为 20 人,





Task 4:






Task 5:

女生要参加 camping 但没有帐篷,有两个解决方案,一个是向朋友借,但是很旧,如果下雨也许会淋雨,



Task 6:


一是hold the soil 拿coffee举例,coffee产地大多多雨,weeds保护他们不会wash away;






【公开信】有个人写信给学校,说student directory(college directory that has all the contact information of students.) 可以两个方面改进:1. 加照片(Add photos of students)2. 制作一个网上在线浏览的版本(Put the directory on the internet)。


1. some students may have the same name, photo helps students to find the right person. 因为上礼拜我用student directory 找个人忘了他的last name,结果打错了各种囧,有照片就不会;还有在线浏览好啊,

2. Some students can’t find the directory. 很多人一开学就displace 了那本小书,有了在线版就啥时候都能看见了。(It is easy for students to find these information if there are electronic version of the directory available online.)


【名词解释】Insight learning。在观察周围情况后,动物能相处解决问题的方案。这就是insight learning。

【教授举例】: 举例大猩猩(Chimpanzee)如何获取食物的例子来进一步阐述这个理论和概念。香蕉在很高的天花板上(top of its cage) 挂着,猩猩反应是跳起来去取,一次两次甚至三次,太高取不到会失望和沮丧。Then it give up and sit down for awhile, 经过思考,他发现屋里有box,于是他拿来一个box 垫在自己脚下再去取,还是不够高,他又拿另外一个Box,(use box on top of other boxes)直到盒子的高度足以让他取到香蕉。


阅读说学校对theatre专业的有新要求take a trip off campus,看专业的product,要花35元。女的问男的态度,男的很欢迎,说对理解有帮助,花钱也不多,花3次的钱可以看一次免费的。


【讲座内容】商务经济类,关于collect information for business marketing 的2 个方法,是quantity way,例子是,一个car manufacture, use 这个方法通过大量调查,发现没有孩子的客户购买量大,而有孩子的客户购买量小。第二个方法是opinion based 就是问卷调查之类的。之后该公司为了查明为什么有孩子的客户购买量小,就用该方法survey 问卷调查,发现是car 的back seat 有问题,孩子觉得不舒服。











【名词解释】一种商业竞争策略fighting brand。大公司推出价格便宜的子品牌跟小公司竞争。

【讲座举例】听力中例子company A生产digital camera,口碑很好,大家都乐意买。有小

公司B生产similar digital camera,但是价格便宜,大家觉得这也是个不错的deal。大公司

司A 为了保住市场份额,推出一个牌子,价钱便宜质量一般,跟B 公司竞争。因为人们对公

司A 公司熟悉所以买公司A 子品牌的东西,逐渐不买公司B 的。


【学生困难】:男生想弄个announcement on newspaper 让更多的人来参加阅读演出singing group. He did not submit the announcement for upcoming event this week to the school's newspaper before the deadline. He is worrying about there will not be many students come to see the performance.


方案1、To postpone 延期到下周,但but it not easy to book the music hall where the performance will take place。

方案2、To notice students by posters at different locations on campus since students are everywhere. 男生说考虑一下。


【讲课要点】:Wetland's two benefits for animals.

1). For nursery, sharks lay eggs in wetlands close to the ocean, because wetlands are shallow, there are not large predators, baby sharks can grow safely in the wetlands and survive in the ocean.

2). For rest and find food. Immigrating birds, for example, paper, during the long journey of immigration, stop the wetlands to find the food because they can find similar food like before



Task 3


学校打算新开一门课程,教学生如何写project 和thesis,并强制学生参加



一、他本身不会写thesis,他心理学的一个project 修改了两次才最后通过,这个课程对他很有用


三、也可以看到别的学生的错误,下次再自己的project 里面避免类似错误。

Task 4

【名词解释:peer reinforcement】说的是如果有同学不守纪律不按规则办事,老师不批评他而是表扬做的好的同学, 然后那个不守纪律的同学就自觉做好了。

【讲座举例】教授举例:和小朋友们玩积木时,有个要求就是玩好要放好,结果有次有个小朋友Sarah 不干了,然后老师表扬另外一个放得特别好的小朋友Paul(说I really like your way to clean up your toys),然后Sarah 就自觉放好了。

Task 6 【讲课要点】:social cooperation among animals benefits the whole group。举了两个例子:例子1、如果一只鹿自己吃feeding alone,在吃的同时必须警惕alert狼和熊等天敌predator的攻击。吃的时候不能专心,效率低、吃得少。然而,一群deers成群in a group吃东西,比一只鹿自己吃更好。集体有所分工,一些鹿轮流take turn站岗放哨,防卫predator。另一些就能安心well进食,高效地吃more efficiently。例子2、一个蜜蜂honey bee回到蜂巢hive通过跳一种特殊的舞special dance,如0字舞和8字舞,来分享share关于它找到的食物源food source的信息information(about where the food source is和距离(location and distance))。这样,整个蜂群都会收益the whole group will benefit from the bee
















课程名称 上课地点 上课时间 查看课程
雅思预备VIP8人班 词汇量在3500左右英语基础较好,或雅思已考4分的学生 / 查看
托福预备VIP8人班 英语基础较好,词汇量在3500左右计划学习托福的学生 / 查看
SAT强化VIP8人班 SAT已考1200分以上或同等水平学生 / 查看
TOEFL Junior VIP一对一 英语基础薄弱,词汇量在2000左右同等英语水平的学生。 / 查看
留学预备课程一级 没有英语基础或基础薄弱,需要学习英语 / 查看
基础英语VIP8人班 招生对象:英语基础薄弱,语法不系统,词汇量在2000左右的学生。 / 查看
外教口语俱乐部30次卡 需要提高口语的学生。 / 查看
AP微积分VIP一对一课程 需要学习AP微积分课程的同学。 / 查看
雅思一对一课程 申请出国留学,需要提高雅思成绩的学生 / 查看


  • 雅思预备VIP8人班报名
  • 托福预备VIP8人班报名
  • TOEFL Junior VIP一对一报名
  • 留学预备课程一级报名
  • 基础英语VIP8人班报名
  • 外教口语俱乐部30次卡报名
  • AP微积分VIP一对一课程报名




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