be of average height 中等身高
She's of average height. 她中等身高。=She's of medium height.
slender 纤细,苗条= slim
She was slender, with delicate wrists and ankles. 她身材苗条,有着纤细的手腕和脚踝。
lean 瘦瘦的(健美那种)
a lean, muscular body 清瘦而肌肉发达的身体
petite 娇小的
She was of below average height, petite and slender. 她低于平均身高,娇小且苗条。
slight 很瘦
She is smaller and slighter than Christie. 她比克里斯蒂更瘦小更纤弱。
lanky 又高又瘦; 瘦长(或胳膊、腿细长)而行动笨拙的
a tall, lanky teenager 身材瘦长的少年
curvy 丰满的,有曲线的, 曲线美的=curvaceous
The researchers believe that the results shed light on why many men find curvy womenmore alluring.
womanly 有女人味儿的
womanly qualities 女子的特性
a soft womanly figure 婀娜多姿的体态
voluptuous 丰满性感的 (偏正式)
a voluptuous woman 体态丰满的女人
a voluptuous body 丰满性感的身体
a voluptuous, well-rounded lady with glossy black hair一位头发乌黑亮丽、身材丰满性感的女士。
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