1. 护肤品 : skin care product
2. 洁面乳:facial cleanser
3. 洁面啫喱 : cleansing gel
4. 眼霜:eye cream
5. 爽肤水:toner
6. 紧肤水:firming lotion
7. 柔肤水:smoothing toner
8. 面膜:facial mask
9. 润肤露/身体乳:body lotion
10. 磨砂膏:scrubbing cream/facial scrub
11. 护手霜:hand lotion
12. 乳液:milky lotion
13. 香水:perfume
14. 喷雾式香水:atomizer
15. 日霜:day cream
16. 晚霜:night cream
17. 眼膜:eye mask
18. 精油:essence oil
19. 精华霜:serum
20. 面霜:facial cream/cream
21. 抗衰产品:anti-age product
22. 祛皱产品:anti-wrinkle product
23. 纯露:floral water
24. 玻尿酸原液:HA(Hyaluronic Acid)
25. 珍珠膏:pearl cream
26. 修复晶露:repairing serum
Women in her thirties or forties should pay attention to facial care. Therefore, they could considering buying anti-age and anti-wrinkle products.
This perfume gives out fresh fragrance.If you are not very satisfied to it, you can considering using our atomizers.
Different sorts of our facial masks suit different kinds of consumers.
Could you please tell me the differences between your facial cleansers and cleaning gels?
Here I'd like to recommend our body lotion because it has great effect on moisturizing your skin.
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