间歇泉是间断喷发的温泉,因此,有人把它比作“地下的天然锅炉”。有人说它是“地球的眼泪”。“泪如泉涌”, 多发生于火山运动活跃的区域,熔岩使地层水化为水汽,水汽沿裂缝上升,当温度下降到汽化点以下时凝结成为温度很高的水,每间隔一段时间喷发一次,形成间歇泉。
A geyser (/ˈɡaɪzər/ )is a spring (泉) characterized by an intermittent(间歇的discharge(排放物) of water ejected(喷射) turbulently(猛烈地) and accompanied by steam. As a fairly rare phenomenon, the formation of geysers is due to particular hydrogeological(水文地质的) conditions that exist only in a few places on Earth.Generally all geyser field sites are located near active volcanic areas,and the geyser effect is due to the proximity(接近) of magma. Generally, surface water works its way down to an average depth of around 2,000 metres where it contacts hot rocks. The resultant boiling of the pressurized(增压的) water results in the geyser effect of hot water and steam spraying out of the geyser's surface vent (a hydrothermal explosion).
A geyser's eruptive activity may change or cease(停止) due to ongoing mineral deposition within the geyser plumbing(管道系统) , exchange of functions with nearby hot springs, earthquake influences,and human intervention(干涉)
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