

作者: 2022-03-01 14:57 来源:长沙编辑


  其实这种类型的task2第 一次出现是在2019.8.10号的考场版考试中,那一场考试也是托福改革后的第 一场考试,并且根据统计,这场考试的口语试题在2020.11.8号和2021.4.25号都原题重现。虽然据ETS官方公布,2019.8月份的改革只是在阅读/听力/口语上减少了题目数量,并没有在题型上进行任何的改革,然而8.10号这场改革后的第 一场考试,Task2的听力部分主要说话人的态度却出现了“一正一反”的新考法,这是在TPO真题中从没有出现过的,也就是说所谓的“没有变化”的意思是指出题的基本形式不变,即在听力的对话中主要说话人针对阅读的学校政策或者建议信做出表态,给出两个分论点并解释,而不是说会一定按照TPO的方向,以完全同意或者完全不同意的方式出题。这说明ETS还是有在一定范围内尝试新的出题结构,考生们在备考的时候一定要在提升能力的同时关注近期的考情,做到事半功倍!


  Reading Time: 50 seconds

  Music Practice Rooms Open to All Students

  Olden Music Building has numerous individual practice rooms used by students majoring in music. Recently, the building was renovated and ten new practice rooms were added. With this addition, there will now be “open hours” allowing non-music majors the opportunity to use the practice rooms. “Many non-music majors who play musical instruments have been requesting use of the practice rooms. We want to be fair and give all students the chance to further develop their musical skills,” said Professor Burrow,  Music Department Chair. However, to ensure that music majors will have sufficient access to the rooms, open hours will be limited to 9-11 P.M., Monday through Thursday.

  从阅读中我们可以概括出阅读的主题:The university announced that non-music students will be allowed to use music practice rooms from 9-11 P.M. Monday to Thursday because many of them ask for that.


  Woman: Hey, Owen! Did you see this? Didn't you tell me once that you play piano?

  Man: Yeah, I did see it. And right, I play piano. I’m really happy they finally listen to us.

  Woman: So you're one of the people who reached out to the music department.

  Man: Yeah! I send a couple of e-mails asking them to reconsider the policy. See, I used to be pretty good at piano, play since I was a kid. I actually almost studied music here, but decided to study environmental science in the end.

  Woman: I see. And so do you get to play much these days?

  Man: Well, no. Sometimes, when l go home to visit my parents, but there's not really any place to play here. So I'm a little out of practice. That's why this change is so great.

  Woman: Awesome. And I guess there are other students in similar situations.

  Man: Well, I know a couple of my friends that it's true for. We’ve also asked the music department about the rooms. And I bet there are many more, too.

  Woman: So it's great. They're doing this.

  Man: Totally. I do really appreciate what they're doing. So I don't mean to sound critical, but I only wish they'd be more flexible with the times.

  Woman: What do you mean?

  Man: Well, you know, I have a part time job

  Woman: Oh, at the restaurant, right?

  Man: Yeah. So I'm working most evenings.

  Woman: Oh, so you might not actually be able to take advantage of this much.

  Man: Well, I'll see. It'll be tough. So if this ends up being really popular and they're getting a lot of use, maybe they'll consider adding more hours.

  根据听力部分你可以发现,首先男生非常感激学校听取了他们的建议允许他们去使用music practice rooms,但是对这个时间上的安排并不是很满意,所以他并没有完全同意或者完全反对学校的这个policy,那么这样的话我们在听力部分的话可以怎么来调整呢,请参考下面的回答。

  And the man expresses his opinion about the university’s policy.

  Firstly, he really appreciates it because he used to be good at piano, but decided to study environmental science. And there’s no place for non-music students to play on campus, so he’s a little out of practice. And there are many other students in similar situations.

  But he hopes that the university adds more time for them to practice because he works most evenings at a restaurant. So he won’t be able to take advantage of this much.


  The university announced that non-music students will be allowed to use music practice rooms from 9-11 P.M. Monday to Thursday because many of them ask for that.

  And the man expresses his opinion about the university’s policy.

  Firstly, he thinks it’s great because this change would be good for non-music students who want to further develop their musical skills. For example, he used to be good at piano, but decided to study environmental science. And there’s no place for non-music students to play on campus, so he’s a little out of practice. And there are many other students in similar situations.

  But he hopes that the university adds more time for them to practice because he works most evenings at a restaurant. So he won’t be able to take advantage of this much.

  所以我们在回答时需要适当的对听力部分的内容进行调整,过渡句不要表达明确的“agree or disagree”的观点,而是可以换成“the man expresses his opinion about the university’s policy”这样的句子来过度到听力的内容;然后听力部分的2个点还是按照听力中主要说话人的观点和解释内容进行客观复述即可,每个点的开始可以先用一句话来表明主要说话人对阅读相关点的态度,这样可以使内容表达更加的明确,然后再进行相应的解释。所以其实整体的做题思路并没有改变,只需要抓到重点内容进行客观复述即可。考生们在考试前要对口语各个题型进行充分的练习,了解每个题型的出题结构和逻辑,不断提升实力;在考试的时候要相信自己的能力,处变不惊!  Music Practice Rooms Open to All Students

  Olden Music Building has numerous individual practice rooms used by students majoring in music. Recently, the building was renovated and ten new practice rooms were added. With this addition, there will now be “open hours” allowing non-music majors the opportunity to use the practice rooms. “Many non-music majors who play musical instruments have been requesting use of the practice rooms. We want to be fair and give all students the chance to further develop their musical skills,” said Professor Burrow,  Music Department Chair. However, to ensure that music majors will have sufficient access to the rooms, open hours will be limited to 9-11 P.M., Monday through Thursday.

  从阅读中我们可以概括出阅读的主题:The university announced that non-music students will be allowed to use music practice rooms from 9-11 P.M. Monday to Thursday because many of them ask for that.


  Woman: Hey, Owen! Did you see this? Didn't you tell me once that you play piano?

  Man: Yeah, I did see it. And right, I play piano. I’m really happy they finally listen to us.

  Woman: So you're one of the people who reached out to the music department.

  Man: Yeah! I send a couple of e-mails asking them to reconsider the policy. See, I used to be pretty good at piano, play since I was a kid. I actually almost studied music here, but decided to study environmental science in the end.

  Woman: I see. And so do you get to play much these days?

  Man: Well, no. Sometimes, when l go home to visit my parents, but there's not really any place to play here. So I'm a little out of practice. That's why this change is so great.

  Woman: Awesome. And I guess there are other students in similar situations.

  Man: Well, I know a couple of my friends that it's true for. We’ve also asked the music department about the rooms. And I bet there are many more, too.

  Woman: So it's great. They're doing this.

  Man: Totally. I do really appreciate what they're doing. So I don't mean to sound critical, but I only wish they'd be more flexible with the times.

  Woman: What do you mean?

  Man: Well, you know, I have a part time job

  Woman: Oh, at the restaurant, right?

  Man: Yeah. So I'm working most evenings.

  Woman: Oh, so you might not actually be able to take advantage of this much.

  Man: Well, I'll see. It'll be tough. So if this ends up being really popular and they're getting a lot of use, maybe they'll consider adding more hours.

  根据听力部分你可以发现,首先男生非常感激学校听取了他们的建议允许他们去使用music practice rooms,但是对这个时间上的安排并不是很满意,所以他并没有完全同意或者完全反对学校的这个policy,那么这样的话我们在听力部分的话可以怎么来调整呢,请参考下面的回答。

  And the man expresses his opinion about the university’s policy.

  Firstly, he really appreciates it because he used to be good at piano, but decided to study environmental science. And there’s no place for non-music students to play on campus, so he’s a little out of practice. And there are many other students in similar situations.

  But he hopes that the university adds more time for them to practice because he works most evenings at a restaurant. So he won’t be able to take advantage of this much.


  The university announced that non-music students will be allowed to use music practice rooms from 9-11 P.M. Monday to Thursday because many of them ask for that.

  And the man expresses his opinion about the university’s policy.

  Firstly, he thinks it’s great because this change would be good for non-music students who want to further develop their musical skills. For example, he used to be good at piano, but decided to study environmental science. And there’s no place for non-music students to play on campus, so he’s a little out of practice. And there are many other students in similar situations.

  But he hopes that the university adds more time for them to practice because he works most evenings at a restaurant. So he won’t be able to take advantage of this much.

  所以我们在回答时需要适当的对听力部分的内容进行调整,过渡句不要表达明确的“agree or disagree”的观点,而是可以换成“the man expresses his opinion about the university’s policy”这样的句子来过度到听力的内容;然后听力部分的2个点还是按照听力中主要说话人的观点和解释内容进行客观复述即可,每个点的开始可以先用一句话来表明主要说话人对阅读相关点的态度,这样可以使内容表达更加的明确,然后再进行相应的解释。所以其实整体的做题思路并没有改变,只需要抓到重点内容进行客观复述即可。考生们在考试前要对口语各个题型进行充分的练习,了解每个题型的出题结构和逻辑,不断提升实力;在考试的时候要相信自己的能力,处变不惊!

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